Overcast and -5 degrees Celsius when I woke up and made coffee. I looked out at 8 to see poor Bird locked in the barn paddock. It seemed Britt was in a hurry and forgot to let her out after feeding her last night. This upset Bird the most with herself. I trudged out in my housecoat and Sheldon’s large winter boots, along with Harley, and let her out. She hurried to the hay to eat.
We enjoyed our coffee relaxing in bed for a bit, then it was time to get up and at it. S put the hitch back into the truck and hooked up the horses’ trailer. I packaged up the bone broth for Harley and started another batch to simmer. Meanwhile, a woman finally arrived to pick up the enormous stack of boxes I had collected, filling her SUV to the brim.
I caught Switch, loaded her into the trailer, and then we loaded Harley eager for her ride-along. We arrived early at Moore’s, but they were already prepared. Dr. Jordan, who had finally returned to work, was her doctor. While they took her for X-rays and a scope, S and I took Britt’s car to Costco. I did the returns, and then we went inside to pick up a few things. Surprisingly, Friday, of the family day week off school, wasn’t the best time to shop. Each checkout line was over 20 carts deep! All was not lost though as we left the shopping area, I lined up and got us each a sundae to enjoy.
We returned to the clinic in half an hour, as Switch was now finished. They didn’t find anything serious, but her bloodwork did indicate an infection. She’ll be on antibiotics twice a day for two weeks. I loaded her up and we headed home.
Back at the ranch, I unloaded and released Switch back into the herd. Then, I took Harley for a walk to the gate and back, since we were dressed for the weather and she needed some exercise. S backed the trailer in and unhooked it. Back at the house, I scooped up the poop piles, and we came in for a cold beer and a game of Tantrix.
S headed over at 4:30 p.m. to pick up the bison from Matt’s place. He visited with Matt for a bit before meeting the woman who was picking up the bison at our gate. While he was there, he took down the Christmas greenery. I caught up on the blog, and when he returned after 5 p.m., I cooked up salmon, rice, and vegetables for supper. Afterward, he spent some time cleaning up his phone by deleting unused apps, old messages, and photos.
B was out after 8 bringing Switch's antibiotics. She fed the horses and gave her first dose, thanks B. We finished the movie 21, watched the latest Prime Target episode then called it a day.
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