Thursday, February 20, 2025

Canada wins gold

Today’s weather forecast promises a pleasant change FINALLY. I woke up to a chilly -14 degrees Celsius, but the temperature gradually rose throughout the morning. It was a double coffee morning for us. We spent some time on the phone with our American credit card company, successfully retrieving Shaina’s Airbnb funds they were not returning to her.

After that, I focused on uploading all the photos and videos from yesterday's blog post and successfully published it. Meanwhile, S perused his laptop while I moved on to some accounting tasks. Just after 11:30 AM, the temperature was up to -2 degrees Celsius. Har came along as I took off Bird’s blanket, and all the horses except for her were thoroughly enjoying the weather change, relaxing in the hay. 

As the temperature rose to a pleasant PLUS 2 degrees Celsius, S took the last bison order to Matt’s to borrow some freezer space as the barn is no longer a walk in freezer. In the meantime, I prepared some bones to make broth for Har and scrubbed up all the dog dishes. 

big girl ponytail

Bowls of homemade soup were enjoyed for lunch. After 1 pm, S headed off to hockey. I then took some Spanish lessons before returning to work on the little table tutorial sending Har out to chew on her bison leg S gave her. I also created a sale link for it on my Facebook page and scheduled a post for it at 5 pm.  While doing so I finished the Apple Cider Vinegar series - holy scammer.

I made an iced coffee, updated our coffee order for next week and worked on today's blog post. I then created a Hometalk post for the gray coffee table. S was home at the usual 5 after his coffee group at McDonald's. I made our favourite tacos for supper. Of course the rest of the evening was taken over by the big hockey game starting at 6. S was in the TV room but I actually ended up watching it while at the island doing my brain games then joining him for part of last period and the victorious overtime to see Canada win. We followed this up with a yogurt bowl and some Shrinking episodes till 12:30.

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