Thursday, February 27, 2025

Water is running everywhere

Ugh, even after sending Harley out to bed last night, she still wanted out at 3:50 am. This time, Jay burst into the house, requiring me to track him down and send him out again. I woke up at 7 am in time to watch the sunrise. Today’s forecast predicts a beautiful day with temperatures reaching 13 degrees and above. I made myself a cup of coffee and browsed a bit of Instagram before heading out to give Switch her medication, which was at the shelter. As usual, she wasn’t keen on this daily routine and tried to escape. Despite the temperature being plus 3 degrees, the ground was still icy, making it challenging for her and me to move around. Additionally, I had underwear issues with no elastic, which didn’t fare well for wearing a nightie and housecoat. Eventually, she relented and took her medication.

I fed the cats, and Harley then got to work on the bread box before 8:30 am. I added new contact paper to the bottom of the potato bin and stained it a dark, rich walnut. The temperature was 12 degrees Celsius by 11 am, and the pastures had created small lakes everywhere. I came in while everything was dry and submitted my time sheets for Dixie Belle. I also did some marketing and worked on yesterday’s blog post.

All votes but 1 wanted flowers so flowers it is.

The wind has picked up as per the forecast, but at least it’s warm. The water areas are expanding rapidly. After 12, I headed to town to complete a bunch of errands. I picked up groceries, prescriptions, booze, and a $25 gift card from Walmart for the mispriced pop 2 times now (very kind of them). I also grabbed lunch, Cooper, and a library book before returning to the ranch at 2. Now, the water is flowing from the house shelter lake towards the pit.

this is before I left for town at noon

and below is 2 hours later

I took the dogs out for their spring like walk. Naturally, back at the house, there were more spots that needed to be scooped and deiced. The bread box was staged, and the entire outside was given a clear coat to seal the transfers. The more sanded side of the potato bin was given another coat of stain.

look at the water running 

Drawing and playing at school

A woman arrived from Calgary at 5 to purchase the small half-moon table. The transaction was quick, and she was on her way. Now, I need to update my spreadsheets, mark the table as sold on my sale sites, and get more pieces done to sell as I am all out of bigger pieces other than the recent fold down table.

Britt showed up at 5:30 getting off work early. She fed horses and gave Switch her meds early and was off for home with Cooper. Spanish followed by relaxing in the sunset watching Love is Blind til I started supper at 7:30. S arrived home from his Medicine Hat visit after 8. We enjoyed a late supper, he had a hot tub soak then we started the new Prime Target episode but both got tired and lights out around 10.

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