Holy cow, the deep freeze is back! Harley went out at 3 am, and it was a quick in and out. When I woke up, the temperature was -29 degrees Celsius without the wind chill but at least there was sunshine. I’m waking up earlier each day, today was 6:30 am. However once I get coffee made and deliver one to the prince in bed by 8, it seems like a lot gets done in a day.
Marketing and blogging were my tasks for the day, while S spent the morning engrossed in a book in bed in the warm sunshine. When he finally got up and had breakfast, he also took out the deer and pork to thaw for us to make sausage, which we’ll likely make on Tuesday or Wednesday.
Nathan had his MRI at 8:30 this am. Kaylin had to run to SugarMe to meet an internet dude so took along her new hire, the cutest shelf stocker. He had his results back online by 10 but will have them professionally read at his oncologist appointment next Tuesday. He has given his interpretation of the results on his blog.
S headed to hockey just after 1, taking another buyer’s burger bag along. I chatted with the paint rep about the coffee table’s repair. They want to see the top tomorrow and then share a game plan. Harleys raw food was ordered.
Seeing the weather looked sunny and calm day around 2:30, I took Harley for a walk to the gate and back. Oh my goodness! The now -17 felt incredibly cold on my bare skin. I can’t even begin to imagine how miserable the poor horses and other outdoor animals, must have been when it was -30. It was a quick 12-minute walk that I was glad to get done.
Finally, all the videos were converted, loaded, and Super Bowl Sunday was posted. I then shared my weekly tutorial, which was our laundry room window art. While sharing it on various sites, I had to find a couple of other posts that required updated links and such. I checked the tracking of the paint package that was supposed to be delivered today, and sure enough, it had just arrived at 3:30. Harley and I bundled up once again and hiked to the gate to retrieve it before it froze.
After feeding her, I cleared waxed the small table base. Then, I worked on updating my spreadsheets, writing today’s blog, and calling S to pick up the Nespresso order that had been diverted to town. Fortunately, he was having coffee with his friends as usual, so went and got it along with a second bouquet from Grama & Papa. Unfortunately, since it was Valentine’s Day this week, the selection was overpriced and limited, which was disappointing.
On the positive side, the bright skies when he arrived home at 5 p.m. indicate that the days are growing longer. However, the news informed us that this cold spell won’t end until next Thursday, which is 10 days away.
I was preparing vegetables to roast alongside the chicken wings I had taken out this morning, it took about an hour to cook the meal to perfection. In the meantime, we refined a sales email for bison sales for future culls. It’s beneficial to have this email ready for immediate use rather than waiting for a later date. Additionally, I believe it will address many questions that people may have in one place saving S hours of texts back and forth.
B was out to feed the horses and managed to do it in record time. Bird must have been extremely hungry. Perhaps it was more vegetable scraps I added to the feed bucket. Did you know that horses enjoy eating vegetable scraps? They love carrot peels, cauliflower, cabbage, and broccoli stems, among other things.
Papa didn’t get his MRI today, but Gramma’s heart specialist’s telephone call went well. She will continue to postpone the pacemaker and monitor. After finishing up 2 hours of the new Voice season we finished season one of Bad Monkey. We started a new series called Prime Target but did not get to far before shutting lights out.
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