Wednesday, February 26, 2025

More projects underway

Last night, the coyotes were busy, and when I let H out at 3 am, both cats were hoping to rush into the house but denied. Today started a bit colder, at -2 degrees Celsius, when I woke up at 7:30 am, but the sun was shining. I made a cup of coffee, browsed Instagram for a bit, and then ventured out to give Switch her medication. She wasn’t interested in this and instead went for a short run, lasting only about 15 minutes. I managed to get the job done and headed back in.

bubble blower extraordinaire
Kaylin said she also said the sentence "where it go" after the bubbles popped

Afterward, I fed the dog, the cats, and the horse, then soaked the horse feed before coming in for an iced coffee and some marketing before 9 am. I worked on the blog photos and videos from yesterday and got it posted. I also wrote and uploaded the photos of the IKEA dresser tutorial to date to stay on track rather than leaving it all until the project is complete. Then, I went to the garage to work on the dresser. I applied more wood filler, sanded the surface, and applied two coats of primer to the inside edges after setting the drawers to see what would show.

While I was working on the hand painting, Britt stopped by after 12 pm to drop Cooper off while she went to the city. I finished up, washed my brushes, and came in for lunch, which was the last of the soup. Today will be a repeat of yesterday, and I’ll finish off the leftovers. This is reminiscent of the week S would be up north, and I could survive on leftovers and chips all week. ;)

I’m currently stuck at a standstill with the dresser. It was supposed to be painted in a new colour that’s been released, but it hasn’t arrived yet. I decided to head back out and sand the filler. Then, I put the drawers in place and will leave for now.

While I was out in my workshop, I pulled out the bread box and decided to give it a makeover. Just the front edge needed some attention, so I scrubbed it well, sanded it, and applied pine stain oil that matched the wood.

nice day to go to the park

It’s time to take the dogs for another muddy walk around the west perimeter. This time, I closed all the gates, thinking it would be best to let the paddocks soak up the snow and not fill with poop. This way, they can prepare for spring. I then walked around the snow edges in the yard to break up the ice. The temperature has risen to 11 degrees today. Britt drove in as I was breaking up the ice around 3:30.

She fed the horses, and I started scrubbing up the potato bin then added wood filler to the dings. Then, I moved back to the bread box to begin applying western transfers. I think these transfers will complement the rustic pine wood look. I finished up at 5, fed Har, and came in to eat my leftover supper. 

I was torn which one to put in centre so posted an online poll. Which would you vote?

Being such a beautiful day, I decided to soak in the hot tub. Afterward, I took a shower and put on a toque on my head and a nightie under my coveralls. then at 6:30, I headed out to give Switch her medication a bit early. She didn’t run this time, making it a breeze. Back inside, I made a yogurt bowl and finished watching the first episode of season 2 of Surface, which I started last night. I then started Love is Blind UK recommended by Sharon.

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