Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Yet another holy cold day

It was -25 degrees Celsius, not including the wind chill, and it was even colder overnight when I woke up. This is indeed an extremely cold snap. We were awakened at 5:15 a.m. by a text message from a bison buyer. It was apparent that S had removed his “do not disturb” setting from his phone while he was in the Hat. I delivered coffee to our bed before we got up for the day quickly when we realized that we had an upcoming appointment.

Reshare our cutie with her new shopping cart

Craig arrived at 10 a.m. for a financial meeting with S to continue planning their retirement gig. I made them both coffee and worked on marketing after feeding Harley. I then made them tea for their lengthy meeting. Britt bundled up like an Eskimo, and Cooper was out to feed the animals. Craig left for home at noon only because a dishwasher repairman was there waiting. Snow was coming down again thick and fluffy, piling up on top of what fell overnight.

S and I had a hot bowl of chilli for lunch as Britt and Cooper headed off as well. S hit the big brown button to browse the internet and sort his bison orders. I redid my nails before scrubbing up all the salad master pots after one lid had heat marks, and the company had suggested some solutions. Vinegar didn’t work, but comet did on most of the areas. This wasn’t planned, but it should have been done before I applied nail polish.

The coffee table continues to be a source of frustration for me. I have decided to darken the top to achieve a more two-tone appearance. While it appears visually appealing when wet, its final look will be determined once it dries. S weighed his deer and pork meat and then browsed the internet for ratio mixes and other relevant information before we proceed with making sausage in big brown. 

I spent some time on the phone with Microsoft, attempting to understand the reason behind the $40 increase in my account, which turned out to be for the co-pilot premium AI feature. I declined the upgrade as many free options. Sheldon may also be interested in joining but again another increase, so we will see what the future holds.

This guy was all fluffed up trying to stay warm on the new bottle tree post, no pecking it buddy!

Hockey and marketing/blog writing was the after supper activities. I did move into bed to watch some Morning Show and do some Spanish lessons with S moving to TV room to watch on big screen.

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