Sunday, February 16, 2025

Another deep freeze day

Unbelievable it was another deep freeze day. It was -21 when I let H out at 5:30 and -26 and fogged in upon waking at 7:30. And it is not supposed to lift till Thursday with -40 wind chills over next few days. I made and delivered a hot coffee to the sleeping prince. I was putting a 4th coat of stain oil on the small table when S headed off to church.

Meanwhile in Paris ...

I was working on the blogs when Dave arrived after 10. He was borrowing the dump trailer to get straw over at Matt’s, but he couldn’t find the hitch. I suggested a few places he had checked and checked again, but he couldn’t find it either. So, we visited while he waited in the warm house. After 11, I called S to get the hitch’s location, but he had to come home and found it in one of the small sheds, nowhere near where Dave had looked. The trailer was hooked up, and Dave was off to get the straw after 11:30.

We had a delicious tuna sandwich with fresh sprouts and numerous vegetable options. B was out to feed and loaded up the Wii to take home. While S took Harley for a brisk -18-degree walk to the gate and back, I watered the plants. I suggested we play the Tantrix game in the sunshine that had now emerged. Kaylin text poor renn is sick again with a fever and runny nose. Poor baby! Crazily I have yet to lose the cough either.

Kaylin had a cancellation so Nathan and Renn dropped by for a visit

Dave returned with the trailer. After parking it, he came inside and joined us for four games of Tantrix. Each of us won a game, and then I won the rubber match, just saying :) He was then off to get cash and meet a fellow to buy a Wii system and games for $50 seeing ours is not working. A pile of roasted vegetables was cooked to accompany the prime rib bones for a delicious supper. We quickly cleaned up and headed to town to watch another of Archie’s hockey games.

Archer is the centre skater

He had a large cheering section with Grandpa Gordon, Uncle Murray, Auntie Danielle, us, and his family. He was on fire, scoring over five goals (they don’t keep a visual score on the board at this age). The temperature was -27 degrees Celsius as we all made our way to the Paetz house for an evening of celebration. We played a fun game of nine, and we headed home around 12:30 in -29, why do we live here? We started a episode of Shrinking, but S soon fell asleep, so I watched a bit of Matchmaker before calling it a night.

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