Friday, February 7, 2025

Weekly outing for LA

Be damned if the temperature had dropped back down to -23 degrees and it was grey and overcast when I woke up after 7. I soaked the horse feed, fed the animals, and put bones in the slow cooker for Har's broth before making myself a coffee. I then began working on accounting with all the bison payments coming in, as well as marketing my tutorials. 

It is Friday, which means it's plant watering day along with laundry and garbage collection. My sprouts are ready to be eaten - they are so easy grow and healthy for you.

S requested that I find Ma and Pa's safe code, which prompted me to search our safe and resulted in several distractions. We have discussed updating our wills, so I retrieved them and contacted our lawyer for advice. It appears changing our executors will between $150 and $200. Paetz's were quoted over $1000 to draft one up a few years ago. Our receipt indicated that ours cost $96.50 in 1992. In the end, I did find the requested code, it was in Sheldon's top-secret turtle's tin.

Time for my weekly outing, as it has been one week since I left the house. I loaded the trash and headed out, passing Britt my way to town. She seems to be running later than usual today, but it has now warmed up to -11 and the sun is out. The trash was disposed of, and the next stop was getting a chicken wrap for lunch, which I ate in my car. A slow roll through Walmart resulted in cat food, groceries, seeds for spring, and couple of Valentine's gifts.

I picked up another library book and dropped off another bag of Nespresso pods at the post office, picking up a tea on the way home. I took the long way home grabbing the mail. The clouds to the west looked cool, resembling huge waves.

sorry it is not clear, it was snapped while driving

Cooper is spending the day with us as B completes her final evening shift. I unloaded groceries and began writing today's blog after switching laundry loads. I also submitted my paint order for this month having missed last 3 months and sent the other product company a video of the coffee table finish that I am dissatisfied with. The clear coat is dry now, and the paint looks streaky and splotchy.  This coffee table has been a series of challenges that I just want to end. I began reconciling our credit card, but it appears there are approximately 20 charges from a user that rhymes with "Meldon" and lacks documentation. I took a break went to the garage to sand and apply another coat of white paint on the small table. The dogs were fed and sent out with a bone. It was amusing to watch Cooper as a magpie chased him for his bone, while he darted back and forth.

Back inside, I finished reconciling after a call to S to troubleshoot one issue I could not resolve, but thanks to my blog, I got a pretty good idea. Laundry continues, as does vacuuming, since there will be a ton of people coming tomorrow and S loves to them in to visit. Bathrooms were cleaned as inevitably someone will need to use the washroom, and it should be presentable. I sure would certainly appreciate a biweekly Dio cleaning.

I had planned to make a fancy dessert I had bookmarked for Christmas a few years ago, but I made a mistake. I should have checked my graham cracker crumbs before shopping today, because they turned out to be rancid, and that ruined my plan.

I came back to my blog to update it, and I found that half of the posts had been deleted somewhere along the way. Now to rewrite.

Craig arrived before 8 on his way home from Okotoks. He and I had a beer and visited until Sheldon made it home before 8:30 to join us. After the first beer, I folded and put away the laundry, and they moved on to sports talk. I watched more of the Morning Show while S watched hockey after loading C up with his meat before calling it a day after midnight.

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