Monday, February 24, 2025

Spectacular sunshiny day

I woke at the usual 7:30 to sunshine and no wind. I made us coffees and we were relaxing in bed when Deb FaceTimed around 8:30. I went my housecoat again administer Switch's medication and feed the cats and Harley. While S continued chatting politics with the Schmitt's, I posted the little table tutorial and then shared it with all the sponsors and sites.

Upon cleaning out the dishwasher, I discovered that the bottom rack dishes was still dirty. I had been mentioning this to Sheldon for quite some time, but he never believed me. However, once he pulled out the filter, it was indeed gross. He cleaned it out while I ran baking soda and vinegar through all the sink drains and the dishwasher drain.

It was laundry day, after getting loads going I got busy in the garage, pulling drawers out of one of the recently acquired dressers. I had S help to maneuver the dresser body out of the pile at the back and get it to my work area. He then for a walk to the gate with Harley and took down the rail Christmas lights. Garage laundry was underway as well. I vacuumed the drawers out, then hauled them the cleaning area, scrubbed all the pieces inside and out, and left them to dry.

when your outfit matches your rubber gloves :)

After lunch, I put fertilizer spikes in all my plants while swapping laundry loads. S was off to town to get oil, then he hit his hockey shinny at 1. I was back working on marketing the little table tutorial. It was then back to the garage to get all the dresser parts onto the work table and start filling all the cat scratches with thinned wood filler. This skim layer will dry overnight before sanding. I hauled out the two garage dog beds and used a shedding blade to remove all the cat and dog hair. 

What an incredible day outside! The sun was shining brightly, and the temperature was a pleasant 9 degrees Celsius and there was NO wind. I decided to go out and empty the compost bucket and put away the washed horse blanket. However, I ended up staying out longer than I planned. There are now many more areas that are open for poop scooping. Harley and I took a long walk around the west side of the property. We also opened the middle gate to give the horses more space to move around and help them shed some of that winter weight.

In addition to these tasks, I also cut down a large branch on a chokecherry tree that had a black spot on it and a few other branches that were visibly in the way of the lawnmower.

Walking home from "school" Renn expresses she doe not want to wash her hands

I came in reluctantly after 4 to feed Har and make an iced coffee. I worked on yesterday's blog photos and videos totally not getting done this am. I was just posting it when S drove in with Cooper after 5. I worked on some accounting while S perused his auction site. Supper was BBQ'd bison tenderloin while watching the Voice. B was out to feed and take Cooper home, she also gave Switch her meds, THANK YOU! We moved to bed and watched a couple Ransom.

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