Sunny start to the day, yeah!! I fed animals and watered/pushed out the planters before my second coffee. the internet was back up and running. Now I could get Thursdays blog finished and posted and yesterdays copied seeing I wrote part of it in notes offline. S perused his phone and laptop for all the news he missed yesterday.

We finished up before 1 coming in for lunch and a cold beer. S hit big brown for a rest and I blog catchup still and some brain games. We then got the Kentucky Derby programming going. The day was so lovely outside I suggested we move the TV out. This proved to be a challenge but eventually S got it working. I set up the cushions and snacks but the wind continued to blow off and on making it easy to go inside off and on too.
I fed the horses and while they ate raked the hay area up into a pile. S put the TV and cushions away then back to his game. I pulled in the planters and got to work on blogs. The hockey game #7 went into overtime!! And the Leafs ended up losing much to Sheldon's dismay and Dave's excitement I am sure. I read more of my book.
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