Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Birthday dinner with Shaina

Looks like it will be another nice day. But it is already 1/2 way thru the week & 1/2 way thru the month. Crazy!  Coffee and brain games to start. S had a big bowl of porridge as his usual start to the day after he ran to Matt’s before 9 am!!! I was off before 10 to get to my doctor appointment. I missed the last one so best be there today. I arrived early for my 10:20 appointment but she was backed up at least an hour. Eventually I got in, all test results good. A couple more to do  but deems me just low blood pressure and to eat more salty things.

Renny says good morning

S was off to the city for a doctor appointment at 10:55. His was running late too. I stopped to pick up some beverages and then perused the garden center. 3 tomatoes, 1 pepper and 1 cabbage plants came home with me. I had a bologna sandwich once home then headed out to plant the plants. Britt and her 2 "children" arrived while I was planting. I also planted another 2 rows of radishes, 2 of beets and 1 of kohlrabi. Sheldon was back as I was attempting to water the new plants. He helped get it going then went in for a late lunch.

B trimmed my horse, THANK YOU very much then she took Roo out for a long walk along with Cooper. 2 mixed dahlias were planted in the long raised garden bed. The front planters were all watered. The skies darkened a bit looking like rain. I emptied the last of the storage boxes and hauled 3 big ones back to the trailer in case needed. S hammered up the 2 strips of wood needed on the shelters, filled his truck with fuel, we got all the trash loaded and he was off to town at 3:30. He hopes to find shingles to repair the roof then will be at rodeo work bee and meeting for the rest of day. I did some weeding in the in ground garden. It seems there are quite a few wheat kernels and some quack grass sprouting. This will be a big job this and perhaps next year. I do have 5 potato plants up and 1 peas from the early planting and sure the rest will follow soon. I soaked my corn seeds to plant in few days.

our gifted granddaughter doing some computer work and practicing her dance routine :) XOXO

Britt did laundry in the garage and other horse related stuff on her day off. I came in and caught up the blog for today and all the pictures for yesterday done. Plant care indoors then I got ready for my birthday supper with Shaina. She said I had to dress fancy and that was the only details about our mystery date. This was my fancy attempt that she passed luckily as I was heading out the door.

I left after 5 being sure Har was fed and set for her evening alone. Be darned if there was not road paving delays and a huge traffic jam in the city. It ended up taking almost 1 1/2 hours to get to Shaina's. She was waiting outside her building, jumped in and we head to the surprise restaurant. Downtown is under construction too of course. We parked underground then made our way up to the 40th floor to Major Tom. Wow what a view. We had such a nice visit with delicious food - golden beet salad, fresh made spaghetti, 1/2 chicken and carrot cake for dessert. Shaina had a fancy whiskey sour and I a tasty Major Tom Collin’s. Drinks are $16 but 2 oz. THANK YOU Shaina for such a lovely birthday gift.

It took a bit to find how to get back in to our underground parking but we finally got in. I dropped Shaina back at her apartment then headed home. She text I forgot my reading glasses at the restaraunt as I was on the outskirts of town. Dang it, this is why I never take glasses :). She kindly will pick them up and get them to me later, luckily I have a spare set.

I arrived back at the ranch before 10. S was here arriving just a bit before me from his rodeo work bee and OJ's beverage stop. We started watching a conquering cancer series but had to shut off as both dozy :).

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