Saturday, May 18, 2024

Har saves the cats lives!!

At 12:40 Har barked She never really barks so I went to let her out. I watched but a few seconds she scratched to come in I opened the door to send her off the deck to pee and heard a crazy noise. Har darted back inside an into her kennel. I grabbed flip flops and the flashlight and headed out. She refused to come along - coward. As I headed towards the crazy noises near the 3 east trees I saw 3 pairs of eyes. I hollered and 2 cats came towards me while the other pair of eyes watched me and skulked along the septic paddock fence to the south as I hiked along behind it. Pretty sure it was the fox that has been casing the joint. Big fluffy tail and smaller than cooper. It finally headed past the rake so I turned and hustled the cats - carrying J who was busy sniffing the ground, into the garage. Holy cow, thanks Har for saving your kitties!!

At 1:20 she wanted out to do business (I hoped the fox was not back) then was put in the kennel for the night. S and I listened to a cancer video webinar with our morning coffees. As it ended I saw gophers in the middle paddock. S headed out after getting dressed and eliminated them. He used them as bait in the live trap he set along the west tree line in hopes of catching the fox. This bugger is far too branchy. And our cats are suckers for the “pained calls” he lured them with.

I planted nasturtiums and marigolds around the strawberries. S helped me pull the oat sprouts in the garden after his porridge. A few hills of cucumbers and zucchini were planted then I moved on to weeding back flower bed. S zipped around with the weed eater in the back yard. He also put white wire around the garden to keep the dogs out. He and I then took the lights and the last of the bottles off the tree. Britt, Gulliver and Cooper arrived as we were doing so. She had a bowl of soup before zipping around quick with the paddock blade in the house paddock.

Ruby just a blooming but no one else and no bees ;(

S and I came in for a bowl of soup and a beer. We both headed back out S sourced wood for the garden trellis. He said yesterday I want to build something. Perfect I have a project so explained what we needed to build a trellis frame to use this soft wire we bought off Grady. B was riding Roo in the beauty day.

I took the ranger to the pit and filled a tub with compost. Back at the garden, I filled areas I took plants from and levelled other areas out. I mixed compost into another planter and planted the garden phlox B gave me and a dahlia. Moving to the back yard I filled other holes where plants were removed and picked more dandelions. B took the pail I had filled with her to feed Bird. I loaded the ladder and bottles and took to the shop along with a cold pop. S was working on affixing the trellis frame together. 

We rolled out the wire to determine the width we needed. Good thing as one roll was narrower. Before 3 a big wind blew in. B loaded her animals and was off. I headed in to work on the blog and make s some ACV/honey syrup for his cough. S put away the ranger, knocked down the nest birds built in the big door track and came in for a drink.

The weather shifted back to sunny in short order but still dark to the north. We headed back out and assembled the trellis frame on site. Square and level it was screwed to the garden beds for added stability. 

Now to add the wire, this was my task. It was so lovely out now. Once complete I planted Zucchini and beets then got the soaker hose on them. I first watered the front planters that missed the rain and the newly planted planter. I added some iris to it before doing so and more in the north front bed that needed new stock. Still have some left as Britt did not want it after all.

seems we both never check photos for eyes open LOL

These 2 cuties out for a walk, looks a bit blustery in the city too

Supper was salad and leftover pizza, perfect as I did not have to cook. The Oilers vs Canucks game was on but we went for a hot tub in the gorgeous sunshine at the first intermission. A wee blast of rain smattered the windows before 9 so I got the cats in the garage for the night. No more fox calls for them. Then I finished yesterday's blog and todays with fresh popcorn. When I was checking my tablet, backed out of yesterdays blog only to have everything I did including all the photos be deleted and back to what I was working on yesterday!! UGH. Good thing I had a copy on the old computer to copy from. I got all back in order and shut down computer work after 10 pm. Time to head to bed and you guessed it.. watch garden videos.

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