Saturday, June 18, 2022

First Blue Jay game

A room full of ladies next door partied till after 3 am then the church bells chimed on the hour early. I woke earlier then S, took my pill then played some brain games. Once up it was time to shower and head out packed up for the day in the big city. We walked to the Marriot where the rest were staying arriving at 11 am. The walk there was easy peasy.

Some were off to the aquarium with the rest of us walking to hockey hall of fame. Before going down S and I grabbed Tim’s for brunch. The HHOF is huge with a pile of memorabilia to see; $25/ adult admission. 

I loved the stained glass roof and architecture of the upper floor which used to be an old bank.

The feature display was for the great one ; 99

Here is a video of the display

There was VERY little Calgary Flames info but I found these 2 displays

Tim Horton's upstairs had a display with some

As did the souvenir shop upstairs with an Iginla recognition

Candace and boys headed off to eat not going to todays game. Papa, Grama, Gooch, Brendan, S and I headed to Roger’s Center for the ballgame.

The infield seemed smaller then expected once inside. We sat in section 520 which started in the shade but by 3:07 game the sun was on us. $26.84 for 2 beers before tip, they are 455 ml size but still a crazy price. Good thing I brought us each a bag of cheesies, a protein bar and S brought spitz. Note to self bring a beer coozy to keep the pricey drinks cold. It was a good first game that cost $38 a seat. Sadly they lost.

catch a wave video

After we made out way out and to the street we continued on to the Marriot waiting for others. Ma and Pa arrived not long after S got his frosty beer. They had a drink, I loads of water. Gooch stopped for aa short visit then up to his room. The 4 of use went to a nearby recommended place called Vagabond Restobar. Supper was compliments of Ma and Pa for our anniversary and even had a jumbo sparkler-fied cheesecake. THANK YOU.

sparkler video!!

We stopped back at Ma and Pa’s room to catch some of the hockey game. When the second period ended we hoofed it back to our hotel to watch the last period as I wrote the blog post.

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