Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Schmitt’s arrive

After a coffee I got dressed to go to town to meet school friends Tracey and Kim at 10. Before going we weighed Harley who rang in at 117 pounds. Sheldon had a few coffees and headed out to start cutting grass as the skies darkened. We had a great 3+ hour visit catching up on everyone's life. I arrived back home around 1:30 as S was mowing the gate area. It had rained 1/10th mid morning slowing him up but gave him time to go in and eat.

Britt was here making food for her horses. I dug her some perennials and after she fed she and Cooper were off for home to plant them. I finished up another Toronto blog while S finished up mowing them started tidying around the 2 sheds. I went out to help him in the sunshine but dark skies were to the west and soon started to rain. Chuck and Debby arrived as it was raining after 3. Time to have a couple cold brews and visit as it rained.

Deb presented Mom with a quilt she made

Britt dropped Cooper off and was off to help a friend and her horse with Dave then supper out. Mom stopped out after 4 for a visit then headed off an hour later. I made a macaroni salad and kale salad to go with our barbequed burgers S did now the rain stopped. After eating S and C went out to spot the trailer and unload their razor. The rain gauge showed another 1.5/10th.

We had a few beverages while visiting then headed out to the hot tub at 9 where it rained briefly on us. Brittany and Dave arrived while we were in there and B put blankets and masks on some after feeding. She was struggling so after I got out of the tub I went to help her and moved all the mosquito covered horses to the middle paddock with shorter grass. B & D put KD’S boots on and headed home once done. We showered off then visited till after 11. S was off to sleep as I started Season 3 of Umbrella Academy.

1 comment:

  1. Such a fun first day in Canada! Thanks for making us feel so welcome!
