Sunday, June 19, 2022

Blue Jays win 10-9

Today is Father’s Day, happiest of days to my Dad, Pa K and the father of my children. It is going to be a lovely day weather wise too. S and I set out around 11 to make our way to Roger’s place stopping at Tim’s for an iced coffee and muffin. We decided to go straight to arena vs stopping by the family who were all going different directions. 

Traditions hold strong for many

I love stone buildings and church architecture

who knew they still had workable pay phones?

Chalk Chick does amazing chalk art outside the stadium

We looped around it thru all the throngs of families participating in games and face painting etc for Dad’s day. Eventually we made our way in and made our loops around checking out the arena in more detail seeing we were early. Inside was packed with kids events as well. We found our seats then went on yet another level loop around. 

Early birds find their seats and check out the field

A kind person offered to snap one of us together

We met Ma and Pa K in the concourse and bought him a cold beer to celebrate. The price of 3 beers can easily buy a 24 pack was Papa’s observation LOL. A few of the others stopped for a quick visit then off. We made our way to see the Sports net announcers Jamie Campbell and Jo Sidel. Grama was  taking a photo and I was helping her with lighting when Jamie came over and took her phone and did a selfie with us all making her Day.

We got a cheaper beer ($5.50for regular size bud light) at Dugout Deals; one on each level I think but not as big or cold but you get 2 for price of 1 other then found our seats. They were row 11 seats 3 and 4 in section 130. The seats were good except the young girl in my line of view to the batter had a big Afro making it very hard to see. The sun shone down for about half the game then gave us some well needed shade. This game was a thriller with a gland slam and few more home runs making the energy completely different then yesterday. It was great to see the difference.

Can you see the batter? Nope, me neither!! LOL

setting up for the grand slam

grand slam reaction!!

look way up

below the roof closing up as we were leaving

After the game ended we made our way up and over to the rest of the crew for a family photo. It turns out Riley went to the bathroom so was missed. Darren’s family headed to the CN tower and we made our way to the harbour hoping to get on the HOHP bus. Once there we found it was closing soon so went to Amsterdam Brewhouse which required a wait of course in line and then again inside. Eventually we got in and got our meal ordered. It was tasty and would recommend. 

warped walker and the music festival goers; Happy Birthday Nathan!

We finished up with a complimentary key lime pie for the 2 fathers then made our way north. We walked with the rest to their hotel then carried on to ours making it back about 10. We dropped our bags at the room then went up to the lounge of the 43rd floor to check it out. It was close enough to to CN Tower views or Ma all around. Then we went to the main lobby bar for a drink before coming up to the rom for bed. It was an action packed day for sure. Amanda and I text till after 1 am catching up on Dad’s day.

View from atop our hotel

and Riley's view from CN Tower last night

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