Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Double Dad day

H wanted out after 6 and the fog was soaked in and cool looking. After putting her in the kennel I managed to fall back asleep until just before 9 when S woke to make coffee. Mom called and S had a call with Jarrod re bison herd with us having a quick hot tub in the sparkling clear new water. Once out I took of KD’S muzzle and let Switch and Biebs into the grassy pen.

Once out for S, he dressed and was off to grade the road while I had a phone meeting. Recyclables were sorted and once done road S helped me load them up along with the trash. I made us tuna sandwiches for lunch then we ran to town before 1 so I could help Dad with lunch. Mom was off to the city today for a doctors appointment. Dad was almost done lunch when we arrived but once I convinced him to finish a bit more we all went for a walk thru all 3 wings then to his room. He was ready for a nap at his request so once he was settled we headed out. 

Next stop was to pick up Cooper, grab some fruit, parts to finish the ATV trailer then do recyclables. On the way home it was toss trash and grab mail. S did a bit more on the road while I worked on blog posts. It wasn’t long before we headed back in for S to attend a rodeo meeting at 4. I dropped him at ag grounds and headed over to Dad’s. He was napping in his chair but soon woke and was game to head outside for a walk. The sun was now off and on with a bit of a wind but we made a good loop thru the residence area. we were back to his floor in time for supper with one of the gals setting us up an area near the window. Dads supper was brought out first so nice and warm and he ate it all along with a yogurt and a cup of ensure and cranberry juice along with meds. This is great to see his appetite returning and gaining strength to be walking outside again. He and I went back to his room with Sheldon getting dropped off and coming up to say hi. We then headed for home before 5:30 to cook our supper. I fed the dogs and prepped fruit and spinach salad while S cooked the chicken fillets. YUMMY!! And the Blue Jays game was on.

Britt and Dave arrived planning to take Biebs out for a cart ride after B fed horses. This plan was changed as the now dark clouds let out rain that increased from light to heavy. There was even a tornado warning and apparently it touched down in Namaka near us?? S had gone out to pressure wash the muddy skid steer before the rain let loose. After they fit up Biebs with some new gear added to the harness they came in when the rain ended for a visit. They then loaded up Coop and headed home, S was back to the game and I working on the blog being very far behind catching up from our Toronto tour. I did pop out to put masks on KD and Switch once the sun came out while S put the skid steer in the shop now all clean. He checked rain gauge; .125/10ths

I finished up Blue Jays win blog uploading videos and cleaning bathrooms between uploads and posted. S helped with toilet scrub duty even. I joined him in bed before 11 to write todays blog making us a tasty yogurt and fruit bowl, S added a few more items to his snack fest.

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