Friday, June 10, 2022

Maiden camping voyage

I woke at 7 to go to bathroom and it was glorious sunshine then back to bed only to be awakened by wind picking up at 8 and full fledged hurricane by 8:30 as I let H out after her breakfast. S turned on the coffee and 1 cup was enjoyed in bed with a chat with Mom before I headed out to do meds, clean stalls and let horses out. I forgot to shut barn paddock gate so ended up getting many more steps in after the 2 headed to middle pasture. S checked his cat trap with no luck then brought water and raw to the cats and let them out for the day. Back at the house I continued to pack more things in the trailer and batten down the stools ready for departure. S created a avocado, banana honey on toast for his breakfast. 

Who volunteers to stay with KD?

The above video shows who was chosen and KD's movement update

When your dog's food takes up more space then your own ;)

check out my trailer tetris packing video

It is a super sunny day and wouldn't you know it the solar system crapped out. Seems it is the same issue as last year. A call into the company has them not able to make it to repair until Monday but luckily even though we are out of warranty they will replace it seeing it is the same part that failed.

After checking everything was in order and Harley loaded up, we were ready to depart after 11. Luckily the wind was blowing to the east which help when hauling the trailer. We made it to Crawling Valley campground in under an hour at 12:30. After checking in Darren and Sharon (they have a summer site here again for about the 5th year now) met us at the water fill station to say hi while walking grand dogs. After bouncing over the speed bump the trailer door and the folded in handle popped open, yikes. Glad it wasn't on the road.. we will lock in during travel now. We found our spot and got all set up. As I was putting out the slides one had resistance. I stopped went in to check, continued, heard a big pop and went to the one corner to find clear liquid.. sure enough it was a fresca pop can that had fell out of the pantry (door must be firmly closed before travel note #2) and rolled perfectly behind the slide which had enough power to crush it. Clean up on aisle 2 lol.

Eventually everything was set up and we were able to head over to Stout's spot for a visit. Crazy to be on an alcohol free camp trip, first one ever I think :) Later we went over to Krista and Brennan's site to meet wee tiny 2 week old baby Thea. What a sweet heart she is. 

Our first trailer cooked meal was wild salmon on the barbeque with roasted asparagus and a ginger sesame salad on the side. After supper and clean up, took H for a long walk around the campground then we ventured over to sit around Stout's fire for a bit then to bed for our first sleep in the trailer. 

Back at the ranch Britt and Dave gave Beibs a workout. Enjoy the videos they sent me.

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