Monday, June 6, 2022

More birthday parties

Be dammed if I did not wake up at 6 am with no luck of falling back asleep. I let H out and checked to see our Victoria flights did not actually cancel yesterday when I did online, oh well the credit was only $34 after penalties. No Victoria trip this spring ;( In bed I played some brain games then wrote the blog for yesterday. It is dreary looking out. I headed out to feed Harley and give KD her meds. I let her and Switch out into the barn paddock for the day. S was now up and came out in his housecoat too to check the shop tank and pump water to other tanks. Here is B's little cart she picked up in Saskatoon yesterday, cute heh?

Inside he made coffee and on his laptop. I wrote a tutorial for the oiled table and finished a blog post and published. At 10 I was back out to take off KD's leg wraps as per B. S had a nap in big brown. I was off to town at 11:30 to pick up parcels then meet Sharon and Coreena for S's birthday lunch at OJ's. We had a great catch up as always. S stayed home made a omelet and after resting went and work on leveling the arena. He was back grading when I arrived home at 2 and started cleaning out the stalls. He then harrowed and I filled the hay bags and brought KD in then caught Bird and brought her in as todays' buddy. I helped S tip the shop water tank to drain then we came in for a cold drink.

I was working on the blog when Dr Ashley and her tech arrived around 3:30 to re x-ray KD's feet and check her over. S worked on patching the tank ready for future rain.

We jumped in the hot tub after the vet left at 4:30 and what good timing. The dark clouds moved our way and the wind picked up so we headed in. I cooked up the last HF meal ; Turkish inspired pork chops for supper. It was good but the veggies were sketchy with onions and red peppers lol but S got extra. The rain started to come down slowly then with a steady stream.

We headed to town before 7 swinging around to pick up Dad and take him to Paetz's for ice cream birthday cake for master Archie. Gas is up to $191.9 here and B said she paid $2.09/lt for diesel yesterday in Saskatchewan!!! It was a lively party with the Oilers game in the background. Ping pong was the activity that kept many busy. We loaded Dad up and out in the soaked in rain and dropped him back at Sagewood before 10. A quick stop at Britt's to pick up her wedding sign info then home to the ranch. I walked to to check the horses before coming in to finish todays blog as S watched the sports highlights in bed.

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