Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Shaina arrives for the night

I was awake at 7:30 and that was it for the day. I played brain games for an hour then went to feed H and pop coffee on. S had a call with a buddy as I went to dose KD and clean stalls. Then I was back in for another cup and a bit of marketing.

I went back out to feed cats and put KD and Switch in the paddock after 11. Kombucha bottling and brewing were my next tasks. Then I ran to town to pick up some groceries and prescriptions at noon while S partook in a zoom farewell meeting for a coworker. A quick stop at dollar store had more foam pads and poop bags and liquor store. I was back after 1 as S filled up bowls of soup for our lunch. I was then off to give KD her Tylenol. Time to get working on the wedding sign Britt ordered.

S filled knot holes on his trailer wood then I was the guide after we hooked up the trailer with him backing it around front of the house to load easier. I hauled the stuff I had ready by the door then to the garage to put a clear coat on the office chair. I finished up as Shaina arrived at 4:30. She had a quick trailer peek then in to visit as I made tacos for supper. After we ate Shaina and I went to visit KD quick then she was off to train Sharon at 6.

Time to balance the Mastercard statement while S went to finish mowing the remainder of the yard. Britt arrived to feed horses at her usual 7:30. I was out $79 and needed a break so headed out to join in on B updating Shaina who was now home at 8 on KD care. I came in, made S and I a protein smoothie and found the mistake in short order. Shaina topped up water and hay and gave the evening meds then she and B visited in the golden hour for a bit before B and Coop were off. 

The 3 of us had a hot tub soak then in for a shower. I caught up the blog while S & S perused the net. Shaina made popcorn too after having more tacos. Some Lincoln Lawyer was watched with S falling asleep in short order LOL

Sheldon's freshly cut grass

Lexi popped up wanting in the hot tub, she loves baths :)

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