Sunday, June 12, 2022

Over an Inch of rain in short order

I was up early with H to take for a walk before 8 on another beautiful day with no wind to start. The corso next door started barking and them yaking at 7. Once back I made coffee, H and I sat out under the tree enjoying a cup and relaxing. S got up after his sleep in to join us so I got us our yogurt and fruit breakfast. 

S, H and I all then went for a long walk and back to the site. Krista and Brennan packed up and headed home and once they were on their way it was time to go boating.

the campground has loads of gophers and geese

same tree / fishing hole different day/cup

The wind had picked up a bit but the fellows tried the area by the blue heron tree with no luck as Sharon and I visited. We moved to another area where Darren caught about 7 and Sheldon 1 and the water was like glass again and lovely. However there was dark clouds to the south with lightening so we headed in around 1:30. 

look at these 2 pretty in pink cuties

I was even visited by a dragonfly out on the water, a friendly one too. I wonder what angel visited me :) You can also see the storm rolling in in the background over the campground.

At the trailer S barbequed hot dogs, I made guacamole to go with them along with more cut veggies to add some health to it. Dishes were washed up and the trailer vacuumed while S tucked away things outside. Darren and Sharon popped over for a trailer tour and brought us a Haggen Das ice cream bar, THANK YOU!!

We packed up the rest just in time as the wind picked up. Heading to the dump station was next and after waiting in line and getting up to the dump S found there was no sewer hose :) Off we headed for home arriving just around 4 to nice warm sunshine. We dumped the grey water on our grass then pulled the trailer around to the front step again and started the unload. To the west the clouds started to get dark, Britt was worried it was going to rain soon so to be one the safe side after feeding Harley supper I went out. I got sidetracked by the compost pail that was all over so picked up and dumped it all in the roller compost ball and found the hanging basket near dead. 

I got the water going on it and the garden and called out S who was resting on the couch to finish wetting everything while I went to fill the hay bags after bringing a bale down. Britt had the barn all tidy and the arena harrowed so it looked lovely. I caught the 2 mares and brought them in. Then after a few more trips in and out of the trailer we got supper on the go. S went to light the BBQ at 6 but drops of rain started so resorted to frying them and in short order the rain started to get heavier coming down in buckets at times. Even the dish would not come in. Once it ended about 15 minutes later and the sun was out again S took raw food to the cats and checked the gauge ... 1" INCH and a 1/10th!! There were puddles everywhere and he found the deck water tanks could not handle the rush and the overflow backed up all around them so he started the pump to drain it out. Watch my 4 videos below for during and after the rain.

B stopped out to do her horse chores but did not stay long. I worked on the blog then we had a short tub after I tried to lock up the cats with no luck, the stray was in plain site too. After a shower S went out to put chemicals in, lock up cats with raw and set the trap for the stray before coming in and to bed. He fell sound asleep as I started the last 2 episodes of Lincoln Lawyer but I too had to shut it off 1/2 an hour from the end.

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