Thursday, June 2, 2022

Roo goes to fat camp

Awake at the usual 7 ish we both laid there procrastinating "waking up" but eventually S was off to make the coffee and I to feed H and got give KD her meds. I quickly cleaned stalls and back in for a cup. B was out before 9 to get stuff ready to take Roo to "fat camp" aka the trainer for a month. We had Roo loaded and on the road by 9, Britt had brought me a chai tea too, THANK YOU!

Roo's before photo below

Sheldon stayed home and filled KD's water bucket and hose off the fireball. We were back at 10 where Wade A and Barry L were visiting with him. Wade was leaving his truck here as  they continued on to Oregon to watch Barry's son play baseball.  We all visited for a short bit and they were on their way. B and I let Switch and KD in the arena to both roll and Switch to burn off energy. I cleaned the stalls while B took the quad to clean out the horse trailer of last years shavings and leftover poo. This led to her asking if we could power wash inside before adding shavings....

the mats were pulled out and scrubbed while B kept cleaning inside

It was backed up by the hot tub and she and I got busy spraying, sweeping and scrubbing. And that led to hauling out the floor mats, quite a bigger project then the initial scoop some shavings out LOL. We found a pin broke in the saddle stand but Napa could order a replacement here later today. Part way thru I caught the girls and put them back in their stalls. S helped us with the getting power washer going and supervising. He did make tuna and toad in the holes for lunch when we came in leaving mats and trailer to dry.

After lunch B scrubbed Pepper with me holding him. S came and watered the back flower bed before his buddy Dave S arrived after 1:30. Them, Dave K and Nathan are going golfing in Speargrass this afternoon. They had a beer on the deck and visited until Dave K arrived at 2:10 then tossed his clubs in the fireball and they were off. KD had smaller boots put on with new pads I cut, her grazing muzzle put on and released in the small barn paddock with the herd along with Switch and her grazing muzzle. The glorious sunshine and friends made her day.

Once everything was dry B and I hauled the mats back in and filled with fresh shavings.

Bird was up next for a bath while I watered the garden then went to hold her even though she was standing good as gold. After combing out her hair and taking her for a short walk, B was off at 3:30 as I started staining the office chair. I finished up after 4 and in for a cool drink and work on blog. I also wrote a Hometalk tutorial for the tulip crate after feeding Harley and making more meals for tomorrow and putting garage laundry in the dryer after washing them.

KD's update video

I made some sweet potato and chicken for my supper then went out to clean stalls, fill hay bags and water buckets then brought the horses in and let the others out. KD's med mash was fed along with the cats who are enjoying their evening freedom for sure. Then I smudged our house, garage and barn to clear negative energy and bring in positive healing energy to all our spaces.

S brought me roses yesterday XOXO

The evening was gorgeous so I hopped in the hot tub. I was soaking when the fellows arrived back from golfing after 8. S hauled out the TV and they sat on the deck to watch hockey game. I came in to shower, make a smoothie and finish the blog. After 9 Dave K headed home and the other 2 went to build a fire. I went and gave KD her evening meds then back in to start a new series; Lincoln Lawyer. I had shut lights off and listening to a sleep podcast when S came in at 11:30 to shower and bed after Dave S was picked up.

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