Friday, July 2, 2021

Wind, Hail and a skiff of rain

Usual day letting H out around 6:30, opened doors in the 33 degree garage and close blinds then back to bed til breakfast served late today at 9:15!! I was back to bed for a bit to post on IG when the prince awoke and made coffee. He drank his on the deck. Today is overcast which makes it feel a bit cooler but the temps are climbing again. I got marketing done then started on kombucha bottling and new batch made.

S was watering trees and hand watered the garden before heating up the last of the Chinese food leftovers for our lunch. I then started on a double batch of fermented lemonade this one with ginger bug. While putting the bottles of kombucha in the laundry room I smelled smoke like B and I did yesterday so the next task was pulling out the dryer to check if any lint may be caught. I vacuumed all the dryer lint catchers inside with the pointy vacuum attachment as well as from the back removing the hose. All is cleaned.

yuck, this is nasty ;/

trying from inside 

S brought his compressor from the shop and after I got all the dust bunnies cleaned up he attempted to put the hose out from house but no real luck. We changed the plan to put the vacuum hose out from the house and he blow with compressor hose from outside in. This required me to get his call, turn on vacuum go out and plug in compressor, a real dance of tasks but we did it. 

and then outside

Now to put all back in. This was not as easy as washer needed pulling out to access the dryer vent to affix once close to the wall. Prince is not very flexible or limber and once stuffed behind the washer ended up cutting more off dryer vent and stopping to get a plastic attachment. I drained the washer stinky water and cleaned the filter which had nothing, yeah! The sun came out at noon heating it up to 34 ish.

Until we get to town, S hit the couch for a nap while I was back to the lemonade mixing and bottling. Just before 4 we headed in leaving H in the cool house much to her chagrin. A quick stop at the super hot farmers market netted fresh beets and buns. No point loitering here on the black top heat. Next was Can Tire to check out plants hoping to find peony deals but still $30 on sale. We both searched the store for items; S the dryer connector and me evergreen tree fertilizer spikes and the command strip to hang a picture on the woo bathroom cabinet. We looped thru Tims to get an iced coffee then made out way home stopping to drop trash and grab mail.

this temp was not quite accurate as cooled as we drove but pretty close

I prepped veggies to roast and the trimmings were blended for H while S seasoned the steaks and soaked corn. H was fed and the blended veggie frozen in trays. Calgary has been getting rain and hail so once back we decided to walk around and batten things down. S picked up the lose hay while I pruned dead flowers off the lilac tree. The temperature was starting to drop.

this is the north rose just a blooming

Back inside we started supper on the barbeque what in hindsight was about 15 minutes too late. However it was better then 15 minutes later when the dark skies arrived and unleashed a fury of wind followed by a wee bit of rain and more hail. 

check out these 5 videos of the crazy weather

Britt had arrived during the wind portion having worked late but she did feed her horses in the shelter as the winds blew. Sheldon pulled off the food just in time to miss the rain and hail portion. B started for home then back to park behind the truck then moving to the trees. Then she made a break for home once it let up here and found 5 vehicles parked in our trees at the approach trying to get out of the hail. On her route home the rain and hail picked up and she arrived home to find car dents and her plants ruined.

I took J from the 33 degree garage where no food to the barn with soft food, Luna was there but no Stella so I went and brought her back to the barn too. I checked the rain gauge and it showed 2/10ths including a dead bee.

Inside S was in TV room watching hockey game so I worked on computer work when I saw a post Kaylin had that Theo got out of a window during the storm at 6 when they were not home. He was spotted running along a main busy road and darting into a residential area. Since then there were other sightings but as the group of friends out looking followed the sightings they were always behind him. The thunder storm kept him running. I made a couple posts and tried to help that way. Lots shared it and it was looking like him may be looping back to the hidden valley area but at 10:30 as I am typing he was still not found. To top it off he does not have his collar one to aid in catching or calling with tag info. What a helpless feeling as it gets dark and more storms are said to be coming. I had sent out a prayer to archangel Ariel; angel of animals & nature like I did when Lexi went missing.

I cut these off a newer plant before the storm

As I was heading to bed with the windows now able to be opened for fresh cool air to watch some Startup on the iPad Kaylin text he was found!! After almost 5 hours of running from the storm the breeder lady who sold him to Devon saw him in her area. Isn't that crazy??  Such good news though as it sure could have ended in tragedy. She was out driving around looking with Theo's sister in the car then back to her house when she saw him nearly hit 5 times crossing a super busy beddington trail from a porch nearby and called Devon. For sure an angel was watching over this dog.

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