Saturday, July 24, 2021

Horse day

Today is B's coworker trail ride and of course I was awake around 7 not wanting to oversleep. H went out and waited for her breakfast served after 8. Sheldon did not decide till last minute that he would come along as driver allowing H to come along as well. B was out at 8:30 bringing us teas for the drive. I had Pep's meds mixed and ready to give, cleaned poop out of the trailer then caught Switch. B gathered things before catching to only have them take off. This had S out helping her to catch the wily Pep for meds and Bird. We loaded up and were on the road after 9.

these 2 were so excited to load up and get to go

We arrived at the meet site about an hour later making good time. We unloaded and tacked up then the rest arrived and followed suit. 11 of us started out after 11 but within a few feet one dropped out of the ride. She was a nervous rider on a high energy horse, not the best mix. B and I led the group of 10 up the east side of curly sands and back around in a 2 hour loop.

at the end of that road is where S and the dogs were camped out

Sheldon enjoyed his time with the dogs meandering to the river a couple times and relaxing at the trailer. After we untacked he led us back to the creek to bucket the girls then back to the group for a beverage and load up.

We arrived back at the ranch at 3, unloaded horses and dogs. B hosed a couple then headed home for a nap, S started to water trees as the now 28 mostly sunny day seems to be frying trees and grass. He hit the couch to catch a nap while I did a bit of computer catchup then moved to the bed to stretch out and relax. It is just so hot all of a sudden after all this smoky cooler temps.

We had hot dogs and salad for an early supper at 4:30 with a cold kombucha. I got yesterdays blog finished and posted. S had a timer on the tree water he kept moving. Harley got a bath before I came in to watch the news at 6. 

Britt and Cooper were out later in the evening to give Roo her lunge in her fancy sparkle boots and fed/med the others. Tomorrow is Roo's first time on a polocrosse field. We loaded our tack up to be ready for our am departure.

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