Friday, July 9, 2021

4 trips to town in a day

After letting H into the garage at 6:30 I slept till 8:30! S made coffee while I fed her and the kitties. Then it was marketing and clean up time for the lady coming to look at a table. S ran to town quick before 9 to meet one of the Lambert Trucking guys to send the bale monitor back to the Hat with.

I tidied the house an vacuumed main floor prepping for the customer who arrived early. S went and mowed the lane way and approach and let her in. That rain made everything look so green!! She checked out all the pieces, took video and is interested in 5 pieces but not doing her Reno till August so will get back to me once she gets home to measure and decide. Fingers crossed. I then tagged and prepped pieces to go to town today.

We ran to town at noon first stop to pick up authentic pork taco lunch from our tenant. We enjoyed this in the park before setting off to our appointments. I met with the hostess at the new consignment store and got everything all set up while S met with an announcer about the running with the bulls days. Then it was back home to the ranch. I went and plugged in Paetz trailer and pushed out slides to look for their lost keys while S looked for his lost wallet. He then had me climbing into the truck on the hoist even after he did earlier just to double check. Even though I suggested looking in clothes and coat he wore last he claimed he did look only to find indeed it was in the coat. :)

He and I moved Bird and Pepper to the round pen to mow then to the garage where I painted K's coffee table base and S drank a beer and watched. He then ran to town to get blood work done with req that was in the mail we picked up on way home. He was back in an hour. It is a hot day hitting 28 and sunny.

Time to make supper, I whipped up coleslaw while S prepped his mushroom pack. He wanted D with the sausage but I revolted… no more KD :) H had her supper while it cooked and I lightly sand distressed K's table. We were eating when B & C arrived, she brought flax for me to grind then got busy working Roo in the paddock. It was another beautiful evening.

We were invited in for Craig's birthday cake but as we were leaving Harley thought she missed her ride and tried to follow us. We stopped and B walked over and held on to her as we drove out of the yard. She called in a panic saying to turn around as once she let her go H raced towards the gate to follow us. It was a panicked turn around thru traffic and into the approach where from behind the trees I could see B caught up to her and was hustling her home with her lunge whip in hand. Once she got her safely back to the house and put inside we made our way to the Paetz's for our 4th trip to town today. This is when I got news Theo had gotten out again escaping from an upper floor window after they both left for work. He was spotted at 10:30 in the am so the hunt was on again.

We had birthday cupcakes and a drink then got the devastating text that Theo had been hit just after the last sighting at a gold course where Devon was just at. Such sad news bringing the pain back of Lola less then a year ago. We headed home grabbing a jug of milk 5 minutes before the 10 pm close. As we came over the hill down our highway low and behold a check stop. Luckily having only had 2 drinks in 3 hours had S blowing 0 and we were on our way in short order. It was a somber evening catching up on computer then watching the fireworks on TV and some Netflix till midnight. RIP Theo,

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