Thursday, July 22, 2021

Thursday is the new Tuesday

S let H out at 6:30 after he was up for a pee and I put her in garage not long after. I awoke at the usual 8:30 expecting Cooper to be dropped off.  Time to get H fed ready for her Cooper day. I ran out and gave Pepper his pills, there was a mist in the air. Dave dropped Coop off after 9 bringing us a chai tea too, THANKS! He visited till 10 then was off to work. The morning was overcast and cool at 14 but the sun soon popped out, amazing to see and started to heat up the day.

I worked on answering emails and quotes. S unhooked the horse trailer then took the ranger out just before lunch to shoot a few gophers I have noticed digging new holes; 3 shots 3 killed (he says). I made a scrumptious lunch with a chicken salad and side of gyoza. S stretched out for his nap.

The dresser pulls were primer coated. Up from his nap S took the cardboard and stretchy plastic with him to town to run some errands. 

I started the coffee table I sanded down seeing the new paint colors arrived. I went with a natural stain finishing oil for the top.

Next up was the antique chair; it was hemp oiled and just soaked up the oil after all these years. The wind picked up like crazy outside!

Another customer messaged looking for a coffee table so I popped in to send what I had. S was back with a couple groceries at 3:30 then hit the couch again to nap. I went back out and put a second coat of primer on the hardware and wiped the oil off the chair. Inside I wrote a tutorial for Sharon's tray then back out to add another coat of oil and paint the seat chocolate.

The prince was awake after 4:30 to cut watermelon. While watching the news we prepped veggies and steak for supper. The dogs were fed and food soaked. B was called in early today at 4:30 am for surgery but once she got there it was cancelled. She was to be early to go to Stampede Ranch to coggins test all the horses so just stayed. This early start to her day had her napping once home from work so will be out a bit later and why Cooper spent the day here.

Supper was yummy especially the beets. Think we will need to go restock at tomorrows farmers market. B arrived after her nap around 8, made up her feed tubs while I mixed the meds and we went to give them. S wandered out to feed his watermelon rinds to the horses just before us then back to his big comfy couch then to bed early. I came in to catch up blog leaving B to finish feeding Bird and lunging Roo. She finished up and headed home after 9. I ended the day as usual, finish computer work and to bed to watch iPad.

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