Thursday, July 1, 2021

Happy Canada Day - Another 35+ day

Silly Bluetooth speaker was chirping after I woke at 5:15 so I had to go unplug. H waited till 6:30 when I took her to garage, opened doors and closed east blinds. When I woke again at 8:30 everything was hazy and when I stepped outside you could really smell smoke, yikes hope nothing close is on fire. It turns out it was on Siksika land by a non indigenous person ;( I fed H and Luna who was hungry, hand watered my front pots, put on soaker on front and back beds then cut up and buried the big bouquet of peonies that are spent.

S was getting up and putting coffee on when H and I came back in. Todays project is to clean out the spare room closet; toys, gift wrapping and staging supplies galore. Everything was sorted and rearranged and the whole room was basically cleared except the huge stack of frames. Bedding was changed and all vacuumed and even a new art piece hung.

staging items all color blocked :)

Another art piece was hung in our room with a few shelves cleaned in there when I put stuff from spare room in. This also happened in the storage room downstairs too after moving the high chair and play pen down. S spent the day relaxing with his computer surfing the net and calculating solar vs actual power use.

B was out at 2:30, hosed the horses, came into the cool house and trimmed H nails, visited for a bit then off to meet Dave for supper leaving Cooper an hour later. We weighed H and she has lost weight down to 103.

S ran to town to pick up Chinese takeout for supper at 4:30 while I did some accounting and computer work to post items I am purging. He was back by 5 and we chowed down. It did not seem as amazing as another time but I did not have to cook so that counts for allot. H patient waited for her food then she and Cooper went for a loop and back in. This 35+ is a killer .

I continued my cleaning vacuuming the main floor covered in black hair and the bedroom carpets also hair laddened. Back to the computer I wrote a Hometalk post for the round table. I followed that up with one for the corkboard while S followed his relaxing couch time with a hard fast nap :)

I rousted him to join me, Harley and Cooper along with Stella for a walk. It was another beautiful night where 29 feels like 15 once the sun stops beating down. Back at the house we cut off the infested branches S sprayed with malathion the other night then he pressure washed them while I went ahead pruning and feeding the cats. S gave the horses a mister treatment too. B text they were delayed at the river with Amber and Grady - who are a couple now. I fed Bird and Pepper as well as gave Cooper kibble I have on hand with a bit of offal. 

These are some of the spiderweb nests all over and is this yellow flying bug eating leaves?

Inside it was a bit of marketing and then finish the Vacation Rental season while S perused the net. We headed out to the barbeque deck to watch the spectacular fireworks show Strathmore put on. It lasted 20 minutes and could easily be seen from our deck. In town must have had an even more amazing show. Here is a video of it. B did not arrived till 12:45 to pick up Cooper, work tomorrow will be draggy LOL

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