Sunday, July 4, 2021

1/2" welcome rain +

Rain was so welcome to hear in the night. I let the dogs out after 6 and only partially opened the garage as dark clouds were in the NW. They both came in at 7 to rest until I was up after 8:30 to feed them both. S made coffee and checked the rain gauge 1/2"!!! Praise the Lord this was most welcome.

I convinced S to walk with me the dogs and all 3 cats while cool out. He took his gun along but no gophers out in this cooler overcast weather it seems.

the pack ready to set out

I finished the black coffee table tutorial then boxed up the Etsy parcel; the pretty jewelry box. Once it was al tripled bubble wrapped and such the label was created and it is all ready to be dropped at the post office.

Shaina was up for a bit at noon then back to her room. S napped in big brown then headed out to putz in the shop around 1:30 as it is a cooler day. He was back in short order feeling faint after trying to move the bale elevator for a nap. Shaina was up and out and found some life jackets to take back to go floating one hot day.

command strip up and artwork hung

I headed to the garage to sweep and try and decide on next project. After wiping a dresser and placing transfers on it I changed mind and hauled out coffee table to strip so got it wiped up. Harley's bed was aired out and the quilt washed along with her dishes. Housework in the garage day :)

B arrived at quarter to 4 and was alerted to find Roo laying down but after checking her out and getting her up found no issues. KD was laying down too so Shaina popped out for some selfies with her which lead to Harley and Cooper joining in too. I scooped dog poop which seems to always be found but had to edit photos to remove poop from pics LOL that is way easier. 

this pic needed more editing LOL

Shaina loaded up and was headed to the gym and back to the city. Sheldon was up and trouble shooting the baler issue then back in for some snacks. Britt joined us for a bowl of macaroni salad then she and Cooper were off for town at 4:30 just as the rain finally started.

Craig pulled in with his trailer to park just before 5. Sheldon grabbed an umbrella and went to help him back the big unit in. Thunder boomed with one extremely loud. Amanda and the kids arrived to unload stuff  too. We were eating supper when they headed home.

S checked to find 1 1/2/10th of rain came down in gauge as we headed to town after 7 for an evening visiting the Stouts. As usual it was a fun evening of dice and catching up. We stopped at Matt's on our way home around 11:30 to turn of his irrigation for him.

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