Friday, July 16, 2021

Kaylin, Lexi & B for supper

Another day at the ranch starting with H awake early and wanting out for awhile then back in, I put her in her kennel at 6 to nap till breakfast. The garage was a hot box again but quickly cooled off once the door was open and 17 wind blew in. I made a cap and did some marketing after I started laundry and tree watering. The air was full of smoke again which provided some "cloud" cover.

Time to get some projects on the go. I organized a bit more in the garage and went with the smooth long MCM dresser. I hauled out one drawer and tried sanding it but the finish was a bugger. I did sand the top that had "pimples" smooth which of course went into the veneer. I hauled it all back in and scrubbed it all after removing hardware then wiped and left to dry.

Time for some borscht for lunch. I wanted to try the stripper I bought and planned to return because it is new formula and says needs plastic covering and water neutralizing. I called the company and had a great chat with a marketing gal that encouraged me to try it . I headed out to give it a try. The first attempt did not go so well on a drawer front so I put on the antique tallboy dresser again no luck. I called her back and learned much better details. A good shake and thicker application covered with plastic and there was some movement. I covered all the drawers and dresser top and covered in plastic. 

This top needs help

I cant justify new plastic but I can recycle a garbage bag the courier leaves parcels in

cut into pieces to fit

Time to throw a load of garage laundry in and the body of the dresser was painted a sand color after a scuff sanding and rewipe. I am not sure I am a fan but it will work as a primer coat anyway. Now to prep the steaks and make veggie packs for supper, grind flax for B before feeding H her supper. The stripper seemed to be drying up but not lifting yet, I wavered as to add more and activate or wait until after supper but went with reactivate ;)

Kaylin arrived around 6 as I was scraping the drawer fronts. She threw the broccoli on BBQ and packed up some of her room items. I rinsed the drawer fronts and came in to get us a kombucha and put the steaks on. We were eating when B arrived after 6:30 bringing a fresh steak for me to throw on and cook. I did not to bad following the Craig P method. We had a short visit then B was off to feed horses while K and I loaded her freshly painted coffee table. I sent her off with a couple sausage packages and she and Lex headed home after 7:30. Lexi has one ulcer improve and the other requiring stronger eye meds. She is to be seen again next week.

2 cuties

I got back to the drawers hauling them out to sand. I am very pleased with this progress. The temperature hit 28 today which seems doable after the crazy high 30s which are to return.

top scraped and drawer progress

B called me to help her measure Roo again for a blanket. She worked Roo before she and I went and put blankets on all the horses including KD's new one that was just delivered. It required a few trips back and forth to barn from far paddock but in the end we had everyone covered.

Kitties fed then back to sanding for me while B loaded Coop and headed home after 9. I finished all the drawers and hauled them in, put garage laundry in dryer then time to come in for the night. Inside I worked on todays blog with an ice tea, some Miss Vicky's and my iPad at my side. After closing up the garage I headed to bed after 11:30 to watch some more Blindspot in bed.

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