Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Kittens turn 1 year

Ground hog's day morning; H out at 6:30 and awake an hour later; checking Instagram then up to feed H :) It seems to be smoky overcast and cooler but supposed to heat up yet again. I was off to town after loading the trash around 9:30 dropping free tea tins at my gate & tossing trash at the dump on the way. My hair appointment was 9:45 taking 2 hours. I started the book club book from Shaina K Fit while there.

Once done I grabbed the paint stripper at Rona, picked up Opa and an ice cap for lunch then off to grab Cooper. Britt's little flower pots are so pretty. I got Coop loaded and off to last few stops; beer, thrift store drop off and a couple groceries before getting the mail and back to the ranch by 1.

B's flowers

I tried sanding the drawer edge but did not have the luck I had hoped for with the wood filler edge ;(

It is warming up at 25 now and a bit of sun now and then. I ate my pita wrap and went thru the mail. THANKS to Debby for mailing some migraine pills and my little table feet I had mailed to her. Steph's wedding is not far away now. Then it was time to get to work. I unclamped the shelf and the veneer was nice and flat but the plastic took off some filler. I sanded the rest and refilled more areas. More veneer was bubbling so it glued and clamped, sticky tape residue was cleaned off and other gunk. WHAT WAS I THINKING??? 

My paint parcel was delivered by 2 gals today.

I got a call at 3 from a friend that there was a grey horse on the highway was it mine? Nope but I know whose it is. I messaged Mark who was at work as was Brittany his wife so I pulled on my boots, got the ranger out in which Harley loaded up so put Cooper safely in the house. I looked like a redneck with 2 guns in the holder bombing down the ditch with a big black dog as my shot gun rider. Luckily the pony was no longer on the highway but had made his way around back in the field between us. The babysitter had been alerted and was out trying to catch him. She and I wrangled him into a secure pen and we headed home. It was hot and dusty out at 29.

Back at the house I let the 2 fat girls out to graze with the others for awhile then back to my work. The shelf was sanded again and painted a coat of blue paint. The kittens turn one today.

B arrived early coming directly from work at 6:45 as I was eating warmed up left over roast beef. She and I caught Roo, Bird and Switch loaded and headed to polocrosse practice again in Okotoks. We were first to arrive and get warmed up. There was only 5 of us so it was 2 on 2 practice. B rode Bird and had Roo tied to the trailer. At one point she released her self from the trailer snapping the baler twine and ran to the playing field.  B ponied her then as the ump as so sweaty. The horses were feeling sprightly and had a good work out even though it was a warm evening.

We were loaded up and on our way home arriving back at the ranch around 9:30. Horses were fed, Switch got some grass, B fixed her horses chipped feet, all sprayed then set free. She and Coop headed home and I inside to catch some Blindspot before retiring.

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