Sunday, July 25, 2021

Another horse play day

The morning started cool around 14 when H went out. Again I was awake early anticipating our horse play day. I got H fed, popped a roast in the slow cooker and prepped an iced coffee to go. 

B was out at 9:30 with Cooper to leave inside with Harley. She mixed up food for later I had Pepper's meds mixed ready for her to give. We caught Roo and Switch loaded them up and after putting the dogs inside. Sheldon jumped in to drive us and watch the practice.

We arrived right on time for the 11 am practice and were the first ones to arrive lol. We tacked up and headed to the field to warm up. 7 players came out to the blue bandage (beginner) with 6 of them stock horses. A 1 year old was walked around to get exposed as well. The temperature picked up quickly heating up to 26. We finished the fun play day around 1, untacked and said our goodbyes and on the road. 

The gelding behind Roo is KD's baby that was found and in training, this was my only picture taken.

Sheldon took all these ;)

We  backtracked a bit to get a late lunch at A&W then headed home arriving at 2:30. We greeted Harley Cooper and Lexi with Kaylin and Devon here after viewing the dog. B and I hosed the girls and let them go. She fed Bird, S got water going on trees and we all had a visit. S opted for a nap in big brown serenading us. I prepped potatos and my garden fresh zucchini for supper while B ran home to change.

Shaina was not able to make it as planned having a party night last night but the rest of us enjoyed a nice family supper. Kaylin and Devon loaded up some plants and Lexi and were off to the city swinging to town for a snojo after 6:30. S kept the water going while B put Roo's new flysheet on and I gave Pepper his meds and filled salt mineral tubs. S did up the pots. We put the 2 in the diet pen and called it a day. B and C were off for home after 7:30. It hit 29 today so everything is burning up again.

Olympics were watched while I did my kombucha then S was off to TV room while I worked on the blog before retiring to bed to relax with some Netflix.

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