Wednesday, July 7, 2021


The magpies were back after 5 am needing windows shut by S and me putting H in garage. There was fog rolling low over the fields which looked really cool. Back to sleep till 7:50 when Britt dropped off Cooper for his play day. She is going to visit Shaina after work too. They were off for a rip before I fed H as S got his coffee rolling. I worked on lots of computer catchup having taken a few days off with a coffee including posting the tile tutorial while S enjoyed his out on the deck in his skivies. Before it gets really hot I had him help me unload the cargo trailer; dressers to garage, coffee tables to basement, sewing machine inside front door and the patio treasures out on the sidewalk.

The trailer was now ready for my big fall market so it was parked in its spot and we put the ladders and wood shelves back in and buttoned it up till then. Time to enjoy a cold kombucha in the shade on the back deck with the pack (inc Mr J of course). I wiped up the coffee tables and cleaned the glass and set them up in the TV room; perfect. Next was to clean out the garage fridge freezer top for the dog food delivery today and it is almost bare making cleaning time great. S took the skid steer to scrape more on the lane edges to rid it of weeds naturally; no more round up if we can avoid it.

I painted the little tray of Sharon's a coat of black with a second coat after lunch. S came in for lunch but missed the news taking a nap. He had a bit of salad and watermelon upon waking then took a scoot in the ranger looking for gophers then back in for another rest and supervising me making and bottling kombucha. The sun shone this am but now the clouds rolled in but it was uber humid and hit 27 making it very muggy.

solid or distressed?

I went out to hand water garden and planters while S moved things around in the shop eventually bringing fireball back to the garage and putting up on the hoist. We then moved all the furniture back to have a bit or organization. We fed Pepper and Bird then S hit the shower and headed off to his rodeo meeting at 5:30. I fed the dogs then cooked up chicken and made a delicious chicken salad. I even subsidized kale and spinach from my garden. It was delish! I put S's in the fridge ready for him after meeting.

I went with solid black for Sharon's tray so painted it another coat. Harley's food order was delivered just before 7 which was perfect timing as I fed her last block for supper. I also was lucky to have an exception made and they took back the chicken heads and chicken blocks seeing she indeed had that chicken intolerance. Indoor plants were watered next as some are drying faster then the weekly schedule.

Shaina's sewing machine fits here pretty good :)

Amanda, the kids and Clover arrived around 7 for their sleep over as I was picking weeds. Craig is farming and they were stoked to have another campout in their trailer. The kids love the jumping on the bales and then were excited to pick dandelions to feed the horses, win win. 

I started a camp fire and filled water mugs. A few spits of rain came down and it looked threatening and there is a thunderstorm warning. We got a bit of time in around the fire as did Sheldon once home from his meeting after 9. He then headed in to eat his yummy salad. 

The storm started to pick up before 10.

watch my slo mo video of the lightening

I sent the kids to their trailer with their glasses and video game and in short order the wind picked up and the storm unleashed. S went to put out the fire that was swirling but then Amanda's power all went out. He went to address that issue while I hosed the fire and stacked all the chairs blowing to Saskatchewan. AJ came in to make a bag of popcorn then back out to settle the troops.

After catching up some computer work I finished the season of Startup; dang no 4th season yet and left on a cliff hanger. The storm blew and rained hard but let up at 11, S ran out to check and there was 1/2" in the hour it came down and shortly after it started up again.

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