Sunday, July 11, 2021

Sold a dresser!

I was awake to let H out into the 28 degree garage after 5 opening the doors to cool off seeing it is cool and cloudy out. When I woke to feed her at 9 am the garage was a cool 20 degrees and the weather still looked threatening. I made a pot of coffee and worked on marketing. The rain started at 10, it must have woke the prince as he finally surfaced for his coffee at almost 10:30!

Time to work on the coffee table with the cooler rainy weather. I touched up the base color, finished a bit more distressing then put a clear coat on. The base was dark waxed before I came in for a tuna sandwich made for me by the prince. He did take a run to check his fox trap; no luck and feed the cats.

The skies cleared and the sun came out after lunch. I checked and only about 1/10th but it is better then none. I went to let the horses out in the winter pasture and text S there were lots of mushrooms out. He came out with a bowl and we picked it full and more. I let the 2 silly horses out the far gate who had themselves on the wrong side when the other 3 went thru the winter pasture gate so now all were happy. S was back in to watch the rodeo. The table had a 2nd coat applied.

Britt was out not long after. She mixed food I had yet to make then went and picked some poop in the paddock. She had to come in for some bread as feeling light headed and a bit off the last few days and thinks it was her vaccine from 4 days ago. I had gotten out stew thinking a rainy day but guess not lol so I got it going. After a rest B headed back out to catch and work with Roo.

A couple arrived around 4 to see the grey dresser; it was a yes so we hauled it up and into their truck and after strapping down they were on their way. Yeah a bigger sale finally!

I changed my clothes and went and caught Switch as B was letting Roo go. She caught Bird, we tweaked feet then went for a really nice ride. Harley spied us leaving as she was watching S hook up the horses trailer for us as going riding this week. She loped over and joined us and Cooper. Sheldon bombed over in the ranger to pick up the fox trap as Cooper chased a rabbit into the winery. Harley was loaded into the ranger with S to take back to the house. Her limp is still prevalent even with her daily double doses of CBD oil. 

Sheldon took these last 2 photos ;)

B and I then went into the winery to send Cooper home but he was already headed to the house by the time we got around. The fox however leapt out of the grass not long after.. dang guy. Back at the barn we untacked and hosed. I had called ahead and had S put the cream into the stew so just had finishing touches. He chopped up his mushrooms and fried them to go along with the stew. B fed Bird and then Pepper before coming into eat with us. She was worried about Pep so back out after eating with her stethoscope. She finally headed home around 7:30 hesitant but had me keeping an eye on him. I watered my garden and front bed and planters. S ran to the pit for a load of compost for me to hill my potatoes then took a load of poop back. It was a beauty night!! S checked out his phone on the deck enjoying the golden hour.

I took the veggies I pulled and blended up with veggie peels I had to freeze for H, put a 3rd coat of clear on K's table and washed up some brushes before coming in for a shower after S. We then got busy watching Kisstory but had to shut off at 11 as one was sleepy but we PVR'd it to finish.

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