Monday, October 30, 2023

Renn starts swim lessons

It was an early wake today thanks to B. She was not dropping cooper off but rather phoning with car troubles at 7 am on her way to work. S coached her to continue to work after hearing details. Dave arrived before 8 to drop Cooper off. He came in for a coffee with us to trouble shoot the car plan. He took along the code reader when he headed to Moore’s.

The rulers had a 3rd coat applied after paper bag sanding. The gal is finding a friend with a circuit to print the children’s names as my printer is ink less and the amount she wants is cost prohibitive. Especially after the wood prices continue to increase. S had a busy morning ordering B’s car part (thanks to Dave for getting the codes to determine), trying to source Mercedes proximity sensors and organizing the bison part pickup. A call to Mercedes has a quote of approx $2500!! Think we will leave with the beep for awhile.

The day started -2 but hit zero before noon and warmed up to PLUS 3 in the afternoon. The horses are using the hay nets. I bundled up and took dogs along to flip them over the rain to lift a they empty. S put charger on the trailer batteries. He and I bagged up the 3 livers and other parts we had extra for Harley. These will be given to the Indigenous group too. I tucked them in the snow under the dented car door. 

Grilled cheese was paired with borscht (Thanks Ma K!!) for lunch. After letting Cooper I I thought I best check on him. Low and behold he had drug a bag out from under the door and over to his spot by the east trees. He was getting into the bag as I scurried out. I took it to the garage to wash and rebag. S went and dumped the cooler of myeloid water way east then rinsed the cooler. The bags were put safely in there till the fellow arrives.

Plans changed for a haircut so S ran to town for his shinny. I stayed to load up the bison people when they arrived at 2:30. I got it all transferred to their truck and they were on their way. The cooler rinsed and that is that for now. Now to get the tutorial written for the cedar chest. I have been slacking on my tutorials, yikes. Once it was finally complete I had to send to all product sponsors. Then start to share online. I was just finishing this up when S rolled in after 4:30. He had picked up a free dresser I plan to do in fun transfers or rice paper.

A cold beer and some chips and dip were enjoyed. Cabbage rolls (AGAIN thanks to Ma K XOXO) were our delicious supper. The ball game entertained S. B arrived at 6:45. Her new work schedule is 7:30-6 pm. This means she will be dropping Cooper off at 6:45 AM and pick up and have supper at 6:45 PM. I packaged up the bone broth and threw another batch on. B did not eat supper today. She fed Bird and her and Coop were off. Renn had her first swimming lesson tonight. It is done in a pool at 38 degrees!!

Could she be any cuter??

We never tire of the spectacular sunsets we have here. The horses were self exercising in the golden glow. The baseball game entertained S. We skipped a hot tub and had story time relaxing in bed.

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