Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Palm Springs house booked

Winds howled with rain starting when B dropped off Cooper.  I got back to vacation research. S continued his bison sales after a bowl of porridge. He had his morning zoom workout at 11.  We ran to town after a bite to eat for lunch. Before we left, S checked the rain gauge to find 1.5/10ths. S dropped me off at Dad's to help him with lunch. S was off to an appointment at 1. Dad was having a challenging day but he did eat most of his lunch. Back in his room he napped and vented a bit. I did get the rest of his applesauce dessert and ensure in him from lunch after a bit of a nap. 

As I was pushing Dad to TV room, we found the place locked down in a fire drill. Once it ended I headed down. 2 fire trucks were pulling in having NOT gotten the memo it was a drill. The kids daycare had been evacuated and everything. I jumped in with S and we got out of the way. A quick stop at Home Hardware to swap screws for a smaller size.

Back to the ranch at 2:30 dropping trash as we passed. Then I was back to the vacation. S helped me decide between the final 2 contenders with a cold beer- Amarillo House or Sunset Oasis. We chose ..... Amarillo House.

Not long after we booked our accommodations we received some very sad news. Craig's Mom, Rita passed away suddenly from a heart attack. This is such devastating news. She was an amazing, kind lady. Amanda scored big getting Rita as a mother in law and the kids adored her as the kindest Grandma. Out hearts break for them all. XOXO

I cooked up a pot of chili for supper. B was here after 6 to grab a bowl, eat while Bird ate then book it to the sorority house with Cooper. The wind finally let up in the evening. Time to have a hot tub before a relaxing in bed with our books.

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