Saturday, October 7, 2023

Fall mountain ride

Today we are off on a ranger tour in Waiparous. Britt will be coming later and will let Harley out and feed supper. THANKS B! The recent bear issues and this trails rough terrain make leaving her home a better option. We loaded up snacks and drinks to take along on our ATV trail ride. Mountain bound at 11. What a beauty day it is. We arrived at the trail head unloading at 1. It did not take long to unload, toss in our goodies and set off. For the next 32 kms and 4 hours we made our way some of the worlds prettiest country. We are always thankful that this is where we live when out enjoying the mountains.

The book I am reading inspired me to watch for native plants. This is snowberry.

Sheldon loves water.. of any size

Taking a new trail up a cut line we decided that this trail bump was not worth attempting and turned around.

fall colors everywhere

We were back just after 5. Loading up did not take long at all. We stopped for a steak supper in Cochrane. Back at the ranch at 8, we just missed Brittany who spent the day here. She rode and visited Brooke in hospital and such. We had another star filled hot tub soak. Perfect after a dusty day of trail busting.

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