Friday, October 13, 2023

Friday the 13th

BRRRR what a foggy chilly day. Even coffee did not seem to warm one up. I cooked S up a tasty ham omelet while he was on yet another zoom call. This one is a guy from Germany getting his power expertise. I did marketing and blog posting. S did hot tub filters in the blustery weather.

S took truck and trailer to load the wood he checked out yesterday. I worked on the high chair. More hand and power sanding before gluing the one broke cross bar. This was a challenge with only 2 hands. I changed my mind on the nursery paper back. I think a white stencil would be best. I also found beads that I can paint white. Sharon was out for a lesson doing it inside the arena seeing so yucky.

S was back from chain sawing lengths of wood. We had a happy hour refreshment. I packaged up Har's bone broth too. For supper I cooked up a HF meal; bacon ricotta pasta. It was ok but very filling. Britt joined us after feeding Bird. Then her and Coop were off.

S took this pic and submitted ;)

The cold winds detoured our hot tub plans. S actually started a fire in the fireplace. First of the year while watching sports. We crawled into bed with S watching Stamps football game. I read my book. Pretty quiet cold Friday the 13th.

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