Thursday, October 19, 2023

Dad moves to Oyen

Mom started the coffee as Britt dropped off Cooper. Clover and I came out to join her. We chatted about Dad’s move and my concerns about dementia care in Oyen. Sheldon joined us making porridge for him and Mom to go with the raisin toasts I made her. S turned the truck and trailer around for her. I opened the yard gate and she was off. We followed soon after. 

I picked up a parcel of new shirts for Dad at Paetz’s. Mom was helping Dad with his breakfast. she said her goodbyes as I took dad to the room. The last items were packed up and I got his weather on. Sheldon kindly carried the remaining bags an boxes as I pushed Dad down to the main doors. S drove the big rig around and he and I loaded Dad up into his Ford Diesel. He was chatting about how old it was a breakfast but said it smelled good when we got him in. :) S drove the truck out of the parking area. Mom and I walked to it, said our goodbyes and they were off. It is a BEAUTIFUL day close to 20 already. A perfect drive along the river and down the 570. It is bittersweet to see him go. But I assured him he could check on his cows in person now. I said I was sad we would not get to see him as often as before but would come visit when I could.

loaded up in the big Ford in the warm sun ready for the drive

We swung thru Tim's for an iced coffee and my fav pumpkin spice muffin. We made it back to the ranch just in time for Sheldon’s 11 am zoom workout. I worked On the blog while enjoying my Tim's treats. Our home line has not worked for a month or more. Telus arrived to repair it while we were having lunch. S had scrambled eggs and spinach with a side of baked beans. High protein lunch before his big skate.

Our home line is now fixed. I opened the paint package delivered yesterday. Seeing it was so beautiful out, I took the 3 dogs for a long walk. S came along too. Once back he jetted off to hockey. Amanda text Dad and Mom had made it to Oyen. Dad was sleeping in the truck. Once they got his room, she and Dale got his clothes all in and hung up. He was not in the best of moods once he woke and was wheeled in. It did get better for supper when Amanda got him there. After he fell sound asleep in the air ride bed.

AJ sent me his room tour

Stan and Sharon were out soon after for their "last ride" of the season. I caught Roo and Switch. Britt had this afternoon off with an appointment. She arrived around 3:30. We saddled us and went for a ride around the field. The wind had picked up when I was catching and now was full force gale winds. It made for a blustery ride. It also blew open gates that had the 2 loose horses heading into the yard. Once they were put out, S&S let theirs go and headed off. B and I untacked and Switch was released. She fed Roo (minerals not food) and Bird sitting in the hurricane winds.

S was back at 5. He prepped steaks as I dug new potatoes. B trimmed Harley's nails, THANK YOU! When she finished filling out her employment papers she and Cooper were off. Zucchini was sautéed to go with the others for a most delicious supper. The wind eased up a bit allowing for a star gazing soak in the hot tub later. I followed up with reading my book while S perused the internet and watched sports.

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