Friday, October 6, 2023

First frost

Well it is official, we have had our first frost overnight. Good thing I picked the zucchinis and moved planters in. It was 0 when we woke hitting low of -2. The day warmed up quickly though. Happy anniversary Ma and Pa K!! You two are such inspiration and role models. Cheers!! XOXO

I love getting pics of this princess every day

I ran boxes/packing paper to the gate for a gal only to have her decline them once she arrived expecting them to be flattened. S picked them up when he checked the mouse trap at the gate. I hauled out my planters out in the sunshine. The tray was worked on. The charity paper was glued in pace and the edges done too. 

Tasty nachos were made for lunch with fresh guacamole.  S filled the fuel tank with water partially and added vinegar to pickle clean it. This will sit overnight. I moved on to sanding the high chair. The original decal leaves a hole shape. Sanding will not remove it seeing the wood has darkened over time. I have no universal kids transfers but I do have a new nursery rice paper. Now which part of the paper should I use.

This attachment makes getting in tight spots easier for sure.

which one?

When trying to find Harley the other day S found her orange jolly ball under the deck. Way at the back. I was trying to get the ball out using the extendable window washer pole. Got it! Sharon and Stan arrived and did their riding. S started washing the windows. Seeing the frost killed the zucchini plants I pulled them all. Ash from the fireplace was added to the garden and worked in. I pulled the morning glories even though they were still blooming. Poop buckets and such emptied and the wagon full taken to t he pit. I blended us up a frosty beverage to enjoy on the deck in 20 degree sunshine. 

A Tex mex beef rice skillet HF meal was made for supper. S and I ate at 6 with B to arriving till 6:30. She ate quick, fed bird and loaded up more stuff. S finished the last few windows as I cleaned up supper. B and Coop headed south.

We headed over before 8 to deliver bales. It took longer to turn around in their yard then to unload but got it done. Back home S loaded the ranger in the dump trailer. Hot tub soak was late. In the darkness we watched the sky light up with stars. I even saw a shooting star. Such a difference from our sunset nights but never less amazingly pretty. shower and bed time to relax and read.

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