Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Comedy show

Check out the sky when B dropped off Cooper. It was on fire. The day was not quite as warm as I expected. S went out to pressure wash the ranger off. His cold has his voice changed to very deep and gruff. The capri and short sleeve choice was a bit brisk when I went outside. I changed to warmer clothes. I ran to town to get some cat food, return car oil and pick up a baby gift. A dentist stop before retuning to the ranch. S was having lunch after his morning exercise zoom class. A turkey bun always tastes so good after a big day. 

Check out this sweetheart entertaining herself

The tryptophan took Sheldon down for over an hour after lunch. The tray was finished. I added the coral to top edge and dark wax all over to age it. I staged a few photos to get the cancer fundraiser going. S took the dogs for a walk in the blustery wind. I finished up marketing.

We headed to the city after 3 swinging thru town to may the baby gift and pick up a part S ordered for Matt's repairs. Our stop at Costco was only for returns but we did quickly look for more solar lights with no luck. It was then we realized we forgot the hard copy tickets to tonight's comedy show. Thankfully Amanda and Craig picked them up on their way in!!!

We parked downtown and enjoyed supper at Milestones. It was just down Stephen's Avenue from the Jack Singer concert hall. We met A & C at the doors. The evening was full of laughs, always enjoyable. Thanks Craig for the refreshments and the evening entertainment. IG perk at it's best. We were back at the ranch around 10:30. Hello Fresh had been delivered. Britt put in the fridge when here to feed Bird and get Cooper. An episode of Car Masters before lights out.

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