Monday, August 9, 2021

SOOOO dry out

Harley keeps the routine usual ;) Today it was a bit overcast and cool; and I am out of ice coffee mix so I made a hot cappuccino to do a bit of marketing after watering all the indoor plants. S had another sleep in day. Today he heads north for another 9 day stretch. The dresser was up next fine tune sanding my drawer then painting it. Other touchups and sanding was done. I even got started on clear waxing it. Sheldon took the ranger and checked the fence line and repaired the break as the horses need to go out to find food with all the paddocks and winter pasture burnt and bare. He let them out once complete and they were very stoked. It is crazy that there is rain in Calgary, Medicine Hat, even Oyen yet nothing here. Our entire 80 acres is crispy dry except around the trees, beds and garden where watering.

The sun soon came out mid morning making for the first clear sky day in months. It stayed nice and cool at 19 till noon when I stopped and put a pizza in for lunch. I worked on blog after while S packed up after his rest. We both headed to town before 2 to view one of our local seniors facilities. It was now heating up to 27, whew. The facility was nice. S was then off to buy some sandals on his way to airport and I to pick up Cooper.

finally a pic of them together

He and I then made a quick trip thru Tims for an iced coffee then I grabbed a couple groceries and back to the ranch just after 3. I got back to the dresser after finishing my coffee; more distressing and clear waxing. The lower edge of the dresser chipped too much so had to be sanded right back down and sprayed and a coat of paint added. Harley got her supper at 5:30 as did the kitties and I went in for a bologna sandwich for supper.

Then it was back to the dresser to drill holes for hardware which caused some more work after bit of filler break out. The dark waxing started and another coat of paint on lower edge. The other drawer sides popped out so needed gluing an clamping. B arrived after 7 with Cooper's supper, fed the horses and worked Roo. She also locked the horses in for the night. I noticed H itchy her tummy and checked to find so many red spots. B checked after finishing up with Roo originally thinking fleas but then thought more likely the tiny biting bugs that are all over horses. She also checked Cooper who had them too so we bathed both dogs before they headed home after 9.

H and I came inside, changed her kennel bedding and worked on computer for a bit before catching up with Mom on the facility info of the day. I was off to bed watching a couple episodes of Blindspot after 11 before calling it a day.

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