Thursday, August 12, 2021

Plant day

Cooper really likes the ranch to explore and exercise his voice. He was pacing around after 6 so eventually woke H so I let them both out only to have a barking session. Not sure at whom but hoped the birds would be detoured from pecking the apples maybe. At 3:30 there was a crazy cacophony of coyotes outside the window, hopefully cats were ahead of them. H reminded me with a door scratch at 8:30 it was breakfast time. I got them both fed and Luna then took quad and dogs to let the horses out. What a gorgeous day, sunny no smoke and just a few fluffy clouds.

Time to catch up blog with a caramel macchiato before heading to the garage to get to work. I decided to go with my new mud cloth stencil on the magazine rack. A darker grey was used for the stencil and brushes were cleaned right after using to make for easy clean up. It was put back together and hauled in to photograph.

Lunch was a repeat of yesterday before heading back out to organize the ruler plans. I had a call from a delivery man who I had to meet at yard gate since closed and cause scared of H. It was then unboxing time and rearranging my paint cabinet.

Before starting another project I decided to do some to do things off my list; plants. I repotted a wee little kalanchoe of Shaina's in a bigger pot then hauled my bigger Norwegian pine outside. I managed to get the roots apart to create 7 trees; fingers crossed they all grow. I potted up 5 and left 2 in water to root more then set in garage window with big one back in house. It was then pruned to help with root growth again fingers crossed.

Supper too was a repeat finishing the last of the chicken teriyaki with a kombucha and side of news. Heading back into the beautiful 27 no wind all sun day I put the sprinkler on the forest, took quad to close horses in then feed the dogs. B is napping after work and forgot to take out raw food for Coop so he got kibble. The front bed had drip line put on too. It is soooo dry, the forecast rain for Monday is deeply needed.

After catching up the blog I headed out to continue my plant work. Spent pea plants were pulled along with flowers and such, the dog pool was dumped, flushed out and refilled in preparation for the heat wave weekend coming and a bucket of water hauled to elder tree. Inside I finally bit the bullet and cut the fiddle leaf down a few feet. Oh it was hard to do but hope I will have a beauty new top to root into a tree.

Britt arrived just before 8 and left gate open for the coffee table buyer. She mixed and fed food and worked with the horses. I finished up watering putting the forest timer back on and waited for the buyer who got lost. They arrived after 8:30 but had it loaded in short order. They also looked at my decor items before heading off. B followed them out shutting the gate just before 9. She is feeling crumby after her 2nd shot yesterday. I wrote a Hometalk post for the entry table from way back while watching my iPad and caught up the blog before moving to bed.

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