Thursday, August 19, 2021

Cowboy channel connected

Even though I had a sleep in day I woke after 7. I did lay there till after 8 when folks started to rise and shine unfortunately with a headache. Papa had coffee going and Mama K a fantastic breakfast spread as per usual. We visited and ate before packing up and heading to visit Dad at 10. He had had his breakfast and was getting another coffee when we arrived. We rearranged his room one more time to get better TV viewing. Today his TV was to be hooked up so he could get cowboy channel. The technician was to arrive between 11-1 so when technician messaged he was on his way Amanda and I went off to shop for items Dad needed for his room. 

We also grabbed lunch to take back and eat in the gazebo with Mom while the technician was finishing up in Dad’s room. It seems there was a mistake in the services selected but at least the cowboy channel was on and working. Paper work was next at 2 in the gazebo but after most was done Amanda and I took our treasures and finished the room. The family photos I had printed looked good on the board in an unusual 6X7 size. We all watched rodeo and visited. Supper is served at 4:30 so we said our goodbyes to Dad as he headed off for supper. XOXO

My camera skills are slipping as above he was giving me a great smile and below a wink and I seemed to miss both.

Needing a bathroom we drove to Tim’s where I grabbed an iced coffee for the road. We said our goodbyes to Mom who was off to find some clothes for Dad and headed for home at 5:15. Amanda had packed veggies and dip as well as hickory sticks for our picnic supper, THANK YOU! We arrived back at the ranch at 7:30 to a few sprinkles of rain. The entire day was dull, overcast and cool sure could use more rain however what we did get sure made things allot greener even in a day.

Sheldon was coming out to run to the gate for battery check, being the gate man for Amanda then he jumped in the tub. Today he had worked on Britt’s car while she was out have Dr Jordan work on the horses, She did chiro to all and acupuncture on Roo and Bird. I had a shower, while doing so I heard the cash register; an Etsy sale for the yellow jewelry box!! I cracked a cold kombucha for us and worked the blog. Eventually I headed to bed to catch a few more Blindspot's in while S headed to sleep. I finished season 3 and started 4 before shutting out the lights.

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