Sunday, August 15, 2021

Great sales day

Kind of a slow start today after letting H out before 7 and opening all the garage doors to cool it off. I did not wake up till after 8. I played a few games before H reminded me she needed to eat with a door scratch. I got her fed then drove to let horses out spying 2 more snapped rails!! Sheesh. I opened the gates and back to the house when I remembered I have the table being picked up at 10 so back to shut the gate.

I made the perfect combo 1/2 and 1/2 of each coffee mix and milk

At the house I made my iced coffee and got the table ready to go with a paper bag sanding then in usual style I decided to wax the top for some shine. Then after buffing I got it moved to the front door ready for pick up. I found more sticky spots on the floor from the exploding lemonade. The buyers got a little lost but arrived after 10 bringing their dog as well. The lady also wanted to see my latest coffee table. She likes it but wants darker top! She also liked the fold down table but in the end took the coffee table. She is going to take it to her fernie cabin and see how it fits in the space. If she decides she likes it there she will then decide on the top color as she wants the matching end tables. I said I could redo the top but it will cost her. She also tried to get a bulk deal on the end tables but seeing she had low balled me on the dining table I held firm. They got both pieces loaded up and on their way before 11.

I had messaged the shelf gal to see if pick up worked and she was out at 11 to pick it up. This is a great furniture moving day!! Another iced coffee while I loaded all the photos and finished yesterday's blog to publish. A call was made to the birthday boy Dale before I ran back to the gate and let horses out. The day was overcast hazy and blustery only 24 so far.

After lunch the sun started to peek thru heating it up to 28 quick and the smell from feedlot to smoke. I continued work on my computer updating sold items and sorting photos. A bowl of coleslaw was lunch around 1:30 before I went and waxed the mirror frame and brought in.

so much for my plan of covering and putting paint tubs under to discourage this rascal :)

A friend popped out after 2 to get some Virginia creeper I was offering up. She brought me an iced Starbucks and we caught up on the deck in the blustery smoke for a couple hours. Britt and Cooper arrived after 4 to do their thing. I cut her a pile of cuttings and she was off around 4:30. The temperature was 32 now so we hosed horses and I watered garden and planters. The Monday rain has been delayed they say ;(

I pulled out a few photos to share on Dale's FB page to celebrate his cake day, too bad we missed having his 50th last year!

Before B headed home I had her help me carry up our old dining table top. This led to vacuuming and washing the main floor (more stick spots found) and setting it back up. Although I did hesitate and think about painting it first. Next I made a pot of chili to get me thru the week.


Tutorial work was up next with the usual Netflix at my side eventually moving to bed. I am very grateful for my good sales day.

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