Thursday, August 5, 2021

Back home

I was up to feed H her breakfast after 8. Mom had taken her and Tim for a walk already so she was indeed hungry. Mom also had bacon cooked ready to go. Sheldon joined us and he cooked his eggs, followed by Shaina and Mom with me just eating bacon after a shower. Shaina was off to work at 9 while we visited. Sheldon headed to the Valley after unhooking the horse trailer from their truck that had motor issues. 

Mom, the dogs and I went to town letting Tim get his first part of his run in. At the echo I loaded the truck box full of Echo's from all the years as well as other books and we took them to the museum. They will be the Echo archive location. Then we were off to pick up Dad for the day and head home just after 11. Shaina had a break so was able to visit with Grandy while I made a pot of chili for lunch.

Can you see Tim laying flat behind the seat?

Sheldon was back after 1 so we all could eat. Shaina did not join until done her last call before 2. A little more visiting then we said our goodbyes, loaded up and on the road at 2:30 as Shaina has a hair appointment in Airdrie at 6. We took a new route home today but it had us stuck in construction at Hussar for a 10 minute delay. We got home after 5:15. Shaina unloaded a couple things and loaded her stuff and off she went. 

I fed Harley and got started cooking a Hello Fresh meal. The box was delivered yesterday which B put in fridge. Dog food was delivered to but once again the great delivery guy put it in the freezer I had space prepped. I forgot to mix horse food so sent S the Olympic watcher out who made H a second dish; she was disappointed when I had to take away. The pad Thai was good esp since I gave S all the beans.

Britt arrived as we were cleaning up. I went out to catch up with her; fed cats, put diatomaceous earth on a few ant hills and watered my garden and pots. B doctored Pepper with bute as he had some swelling around his eye, who knows what he did. S dumped the poop wagon on request then helped me hold H up with towels so B could stretch her neck. She is very limpy today after playing with Cooper. She and Coop then headed home. S started to water trees between Olympic events. I bottled and made kombucha before working on catching up the blog for last couple days with my iPad sidekick.

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