Monday, August 23, 2021

Cold snap continues

I woke at 3:15 am which has happened allot lately, not sure why but drifted off and on until the rain started to come down at 4. The sound was nice to hear as I again drifted in and out only to have H bark at 5:30 startling me. We checked and it was just Luna jumping off the spool and after checking it out she was back inside only to be awake at 6:30. I sent her out and opened the garage door but it was not long before she was back to front door requesting breakfast. At this point I was now fully awake and perused Instagram before playing cookie jam. S was up to make coffee before 8 delivering a hot cup to bed and he went on the deck in the sun to enjoy. H was determined to eat early again back to scratch on door so I fed her and got to work on the blog. S checked gauge and looks like just over a 1/10th of rain in the night.

S was in to relax on the couch and surf the net once the clouds rolled in and covered the sun. I wrote a tutorial for the frame doover after getting laundry going. S headed out before 11 to mow the longer areas of grass seeing there was a bit of growth with this rain. It did not take long. I made fresh puffed wheat squares for part of Amanda's gift.

fall mums are so pretty, these cuties are just ready to bloom like crazy, enjoy Amanda!

We headed to town before lunch dropping Amanda's birthday gifts off and stopping for a quick visit. At 1:30 we headed for home stopping at Opa to get lunch and eating back at the ranch. The weather turned even worse with the wind picking up. I called Dad at Good Sam's but sadly he was having another hard day with no TV or things to do. Mom went back home yesterday and wont be going back till tomorrow hopefully. It is so hard to hear his frustration and confusion :(. Amanda and I did come up with another great idea to put outside his door to help him find it easier if his door is open and cant see name, a horseshoe on the wall outside may help! I have lots left from our welding projects so could spray a bright color and add his name inside too.

Laundry continues. Sheldon was loaded up and off to the airport after 3. I set up the new printer I picked up; it is same model as the last one that crapped out but hope it was a lemon. I printed the larger name for growth ruler and will try and finish it tomorrow.

Supper was guacamole and chips with a side of apple crisp ;) Britt called saying her car was broken and would not be out to feed. I will just put the food I soaked in the fridge for tomorrow. Donning my toque, winter boots and jacket I took the quad out to give Pepper his pill seeing they were hunkered over by the north tree line, went to the gate to grab my paint parcel then back to the yard to close the gate left open in hopes of the delivery to the house. Before I headed out I had caught and put all the cats out of the garage so went to check food and found empty. They came a running when called, good kitties.

I was working on the blog when B and Dave stopped out before 8 so Cooper could poop. He did his biz, took a play loop with H and they were off shortly after. I continued computer work with my side viewing then off to bed only to find I had to make the bed after washing all the bedding first. The wind continued to howl but now is was also raining too.

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