Sunday, August 8, 2021

Back to the dresser

H had her breakfast at the usual 8:30 again having gone out at 7:30 first. I made the last of my iced coffee and did some computer work before the prince woke up. It is odd without him making coffee every morning for sure. Horse food was soaked too.

I headed out to work on the dresser; The sanded areas were taking the color and becoming more creamy vs white from the tannins so I sprayed them with shellac after power sanding. Another coat of paint went on them and the rest was sanded smooth as well. S started some tree watering then sliced fresh zucchini to sauté for lunch. I came in to view some bondo videos and tried my plate but it was pretty spicy ;) 

To give the drawer edge some tooth to hang on to I added staples along the edge. B was on her way and I caught her in time to grab me some bondo, thanks B. S and I ran the cabinet to the gate along with Harley who loves to come along in the truck no matter how far. He then helped me put the first coat of bondo on once B was here. B got busy working with Roo.

sanding and distressing was started

His chore for the day was to scoop out the under deck water vessels. I pulled spent plants in the garden and picked zucchini waiting for him to pass up the buckets of sludge and dump in quad trailer. I was then back to the dresser adding a second coat of bondo while S changed B's oil in the jetta. She had put the horses into the round pen to find food and was taking them back to paddocks when the girls went on a jaunt. It was funny as they raced around self exercising with Pep calling them back to the paddock.

S headed to nap on the couch while I pulled weeds and pruned in the back flower bed and B trimmed H's toe nails. Thanks B! She and Coop then headed for home before 5 to eat having skipped lunch. After giving Switch the dandelions I came in to catch up blog stopping to feed H her supper a bit early. Another Hello Fresh meal was cooked up; easy cottage pie that tasted really good. I was not thinking it would so nice to have this pleasant surprise. My Hello Fresh box did not have the meals I ordered due to some internet glitch.

After supper I wrote a Hometalk post for the black coffee table and S hit the couch. I headed out to sand my bondo and S sprayed a couple shrubs that had bugs. This malathion STINKS!! I brought H in to avoid it and made a batch of fermented lemonade while S went and changed oil in the truck seeing it was the perfect temperature day at 16 now with the high only hitting 20. There was a breeze all day so it felt even cooler. The evening was rounded out with some Netflix.

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