Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Cooper sleep over

I heard H after 7 but went to find her moved to her bed, of course seeing I was up she thought she might go out only to want back in after I was back in bed :) We both relaxed until Britt dropped Cooper off just before 8. He is spending the day and having a sleep over. She also brought a chai tea and cinnamon bun, thanks B! She also released the horses on her way out to work.

I got H fed and the dogs were off for a play in the blustery wind. The sky is once again nearly smoke free which is nice but the wind! I wrote a tutorial for the antique oiled chair. The clouds covered the sky making for now an ugly overcast windy day around 20. The facility Dad was going to go to has a covid outbreak in the main building so he will be allowed to remain in Oyen till next week.

I had a growth ruler ordered this week so went out to scrape and sand the ends then put a stain coat on.

These are some of the flower transfers I have for her to choose from

Inside for a tuna sandwich, kombucha and facetime visit with the mother of the bride to be. Things are coming along swimmingly for the big day this Saturday! Then I was back outside making a poop loop before getting back to projects. I like to tidy between projects and of course this led to posting boxes and freezer packs for pick up as they are piling up again. I took apart a magazine rack and scrubbed it up now needing to decide on a color.

my little helper Luna video

I gave Amanda the options I had in mind and she chose grey so grey it is. I painted the first coat on after scuff sanding all. I cut out the transfers and sent videos to the growth ruler Mom to figure out her wants for floral layout.

The pups were given their supper then I had some of the left over teriyaki chicken. Feeding the horses was up next and man what a slow process. Pepper does not like just plain beet pulp, he wants the alfalfa too so Switch got his left overs. I had to hold Bird's bucket and eventually share a bit with Switch. I pick the apples that are being pecked on by the birds for the others. I opened the south paddocks for all to explore then took the quad and dogs to close winter gate.

When you eat so slow the dog has time to nap :)

The evenings are just so nice. Back in the garage I painted a second coat of grey. The potential buyer for black coffee table messaged to say running late could they arrive at 9:30. Ah no sorry lets try for tomorrow night. Time to shower and do a bit of computer work then into bed (with Cooper of course who is staying the night) to watch Blindspot.

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