Friday, August 6, 2021

Back to painting

Getting back to routine with H heading out and awaiting her breakfast at 8:30. I made an iced coffee and got to work on the computer. S had a sleep in. Laundry was underway as I wrote a tutorial for the yellow jewelry box and got it posted and shared. More computer work continued trying to catch up. My parcel delivered yesterday was opened to find newly released products.

S put water on trees then was in for a pre lunch nap. Lunch was fresh from the garden sautéed zucchini with fried bologna for the prince and a kombucha.

I have had a week off of any paint production so headed out to get busy. I mixed up milk paint to do the one antique dresser in a warm white. While it thickened up I repaired the drawer that needed gluing after pulling off the wood filled edge.

First coat of milk paint went on as S went out to blade the road then pressure wash skid steer. He came in and we had a cold beer then I put a second coat on the dresser and he went to spray trees and truck off.

After 3:30 I loaded up Harley and we went to town stopping to get mail first. S went to registry while I walked Harley to the farmers market, found nothing we needed then looped the lake and back to the registry. S was just finished so we loaded up and off to pick up a sideboard offered to me.

It is not in very good shape and may not make the lineup. I have turned away quite a few pieces this month that were already crappy painted or too big and really should have this one too. I also paid way to much for a couple and that little shelf I saved took way more time then I will get out of it so lessons are slowly being learned.

Next stop was a quick grocery run while they waited in the A/C as it is again hot at 29 out. Back to the ranch in the hour to unload and back to putting water on trees for S. I cooked another Hello Fresh meal; parmesan chicken salad which was very tasty! 

After supper it was back to computer work sorting photos, tutorials and such while S watched Olympics/ perused his phone and moved his water. I also wrote a FoodTalk post for the lemonade. I had a parcel with new hardware for the current dresser and the blue and stained one arrive.

B stopped out later then usual to feed and was on her way in short order. After my computer work I headed to bed to continue my Blindspot season while S watched more Olympics.

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