Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Skiff of snow and rain = 6/10ths moisture

There was a light covering of snow as well as puddles when I awoke early to let Har out before 7. I fell back asleep until Harley barked at britt and Cooper's arrival at 7:40. She brought us teas too, THANKS! Then she asked if I might drive her to the airport. Silly girl forgot to book her car to stay at VW. I had to decline as minutes ago just awoke. She was off in short order to pick up Dave who was at the track and get to the airport somehow.

S woke too for his tea to enjoy while perusing the net. I continued picking off my shellac polish then redo my nails myself. This last polish job suffered allot of breaking and tearing with gardening/yard work then having the polish picked off. I then got started on sorting our closet purging clothes for the homeless and thrift store. 

It started to drizzle then turn to snow but it all melted on contact. S went over to matt's to start a light project in his shop. He was back in short order to order parts. He spent time online then cooked BT sandwiches for our lunch. A box of GoodFood was delivered - it was not ordered but obviously not skipped so we have 3 surprise meals this week. I sorted out our coat closet too purging items. I also got the girls closet checked thru.

He headed to town for his parts after 1:30 and I to the garage. The dahlia bulls were trimmed and moved around in the damp pot. The wood crate was dry brushed and dark waxed. I am not sure I am totally loving it but will list it and see if it sells. S was back with a load of gravel, dumped it and went back for another. 

I planted all 3 Christmas cactus and a couple slips of one Candace gave me all in one pot. I hope the 3 colors will look good together. S was back after 4 with his 2nd gravel load. The moisture stopped a few hours ago. He checked the rain gage and it showed 6/10ths!! Thank you Lord.

Time for a refreshment while he did stuff online and I wrote today’s blog. I cooked up our GF supper - crusted pork chops and fresh pasta. It was good. Hockey entertained S so I took the dogs for a walk and checked on the horses. Sure enough Britt checked in to see if Roo’s mask was ok once they arrived in Kentucky. I did not know you could not fly to Kentucky. They flew to Nashville then drove 3 1/2 hours to Lexington.

The welcome moisture does have a downfall- mud. I had put down a blanket over my new white/blue striped rug. S had a huge foot mud print on it as did the dogs. The floors had muddy/dust prints so S vacuumed but no luck. I washed the floors to clean them but it wasnt long till more dirt was felt on the floor. I will take the moisture though :) S in his housecoat went and spread grass seed in the spots we put compost on the grass. I posted the crate for sale and low and behold it sold in an hour - to Corey :) 

It was another quiet evening of hockey for the prince and marketing/blog writing for me. No hot tub as too cool so I started my new library book - the Housemaid.

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