Friday, April 19, 2024

1 plant turns to 3

No wind this am but cold -3 start to the day. The cats headed out for the day and not fans of the new Costco soft food. S perused is laptop this am researching condo prices as we may indeed sell ours. The other option is to take it off the market for a month and replace flooring and paint etc. I did my marketing and more plant care. It is still to cold to head outside.

Renn daily antics

I helped S sew up his hockey pants before we had lunch. S headed out in the ranger after a rest to shoot gophers. I went to the garage and to repot my monestera plant. First I hosed the leaves and let dry. The main plant was divided into 6 plants with 2 put in each new pot. I had the gal stop while repotting to pick up the change table.

It was only plus 3 outside but the sun was out and no wind so out Har and I went. I raked the septic field the horses are pawing apart looking for alfalfa roots. The bale area was raked next and the remaining teepee poles moved so they could get it the corner to clean it up like the rest of the paddock. The garden straw was raked back in place on the few areas, grass pulled around the hot tub edge, last ornamental grass cut down then back to tree trimming. 

I asked S if he might be able to take the old hay and branches to the pit which he did with the ranger. I moved to the lilac trees on the north side. He stopped back and took down the last snow fence on north side. I came in and made salads for supper to go with shrimp cocktail. After supper we hit the hot tub to soak the aches. It was now 7 out and such a beauty night.

We both headed out in housecoats after an Buick rinse, even though a bit brisk. S shocked the tub and switched out filters. I trimmed a few apple tree branches I saw from the tub and finally hung a weight not the honey crisp tree in hopes of getting the branch to grow more horizontal.

I also unboxed my paint package delivered earlier today to see my new goodies. With a yogurt bowl we started a new series called The Gentlemen. When S fell asleep I watched more Buying Beverly Hills.

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